The River Flows In You.

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"Where is he?! He hasn't been in school all day!" Chanyeol groans to Kai as they walk back to Chan's dorm.

"And according to the teachers you haven't attended all day either" Kai remarks.

"Well.. I was still in school grounds?"

"Seriously Chanyeol your attendance matters too! It doesn't matter if you were in the school grounds. It only matters if you attend your classes but no you were out stalking Baekhyun's scheduled classes and why? Just because he slept somewhere else."

"Well number one, i was NOT stalking. I dont stalk! EVER! How dare you say that i, the baddest badboy, stalked a nerd. I am offended" Chanyeol shouts.

"Tsktsk. Whatever you say" Kai mutters and walks into the dorm room ready to go to sleep already.

Kai strips himself from his clothes down to his boxers and jumps into Chanyeol's bed, snuggling up to the blanket falling asleep.

Chanyeol huffs and packs his bag away. He sits on the couch for a while, contemplating on what he should do to pass the time. The creak of the door opening pulls Chanyeol from his thoughts.

"Baekhyun?" Chanyeol calls out.

"Y-Yeah" Baekhyun walks into the living room.

"So, you're back. Where were you all day?"

"I called in sick" Baekhyun walks into the room and heads straight to his bed, ignoring the fact Kai was in Chanyeol's bed.

"Yah Kai" Chanyeol whispers and gently shakes Kai, trying to wake him up.

Kai groans, "What?"

"Baekhyun is back so you can go back to your own dorm now"

"No" Kai mumbles and cuddles into the blanket closer.

"But I will have no where to sleep then!" Chanyeol whines.

"You can sleep here" Jongin mutters.

"I'm not sleeping with you"

"Sleep with Baekhyun then" Kai says non-chalantly

Chanyeol almost considers this. Almost.

"No way am I sleeping with him!" Chanyeol shouts.

"I won't allow you to sleep with me either!" Baekhyun also shouts.

"I'll just sleep with you" Chanyeol mumbles towards Kai and gets into the bed. They sleep head to feet.

That night Chanyeol kept waking up to Kai's foot on his face.


"It's so quiet without anyone to bug me" Kyungsoo whispers while packing his books he needs for the day into his bag.

Once he's ready for the day he exits his dorm and heads for Baekhyun's. He reaches Baekhyun's room which is 4 floors beneath, and knocks.

"Yes-- Oh Kyungsoo," Kai begins to blush, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here for Baekhyun"

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