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After Baekhyun and Chanyeol finish being couply and cringy shits in their bedroom, Baekhyun visits Kyungsoo.

When Kyungsoo opens the door he immediately yells, "YOUR DUMBASS ROTTEN EGGHEAD OF A BOYFRIEND TOLD CHANYEOL MY SECRET LAST NIGHT, FUCK HIM UP!!" Baekhyun demands.

"Woah calm down Baek. So, Jongin told Chanyeol?"

"Yes! He better watch his ugly ass monkey looking fuck face today because if I see him- hoooman it ain't goin' be pretty" Baekhyun mumbles with venom dripping from every word.

"Naw, so cute" Kyungsoo cooes.

Baekhyun arches a brow, confused, "what?"

"You're so adorable when you're angry~ you look like an angry little cute puppy"

Baekhyun sighs and rolls his eyes before entering, readying to kill someone. Someone meaning Jongin.

"Where is that donkey bird hiding?!"

Kyungsoo sighs and pulls Baekhyun to the couch to sit, "calm down, Baek. What happened?"

Baekhyun blushes as he recalls the events of last night and even this morning. This morning they spent cuddling and Chanyeol whispered so many sweet compliments into his ears, it was awesome! How did a person like Chanyeol even like Baekhyun?

"Oooo, your cheeks are red~"

Baekhyun blushes even redder if that's even possible, "Chanyeol.." he doesn't finish the rest.

"Chanyeeeeoooollllll??" Kyungsoo arches his brow and leans in closer in a teasing and mocking way.

"Stooooppp" Baekhyun pushes Kyungsoo back and pouts.

"C'mom I was just teasing, tell meeee"

Baekhyun sighs at Kyungsoo's glittering eyes. Gheez he's so excited.

"We're together now, Kyungsoo!"

"EEEEEEEEEEEEKKK. Oh My Gholy Goodness! I knew it!" Kyungsoo jumps off the couch and jumps around, "Is he kind to you? if not i will personally beat his ass just for you"

Baekhyun chuckles and nods while pulling Kyungsoo back down onto the couch.

"He's so sweet Kyungsoo! He's just my type yet I was blinded by his reputation which doesn't even describe him. He is such a gentleman" Baekhyun goes on and on about Chanyeol's actions last night and this morning.

Kyungsoo admires the sparkles in Baekhyun's eyes as he talks about his lover, he's never seen Baekhyun so happy. aww Baek, look at you. You're so happy, I hope you continue being happy.


"Hehe yeah.. but Jongin told Chanyeol! How could he lie like that! Don't give him any chicken for a month, ban it"

A huge gasp is heard at the kitchen door way, "WHAT?!"

It's Jongin. Eavesdropping again.

"You! You told Chanyeol!" Baekhyun (cutely) growls before charging at the chicken-lover.

"Baekhyun!! Step away from my boyfriend, now. If he didn't tell Chanyeol then you two wouldn't even be together" Kyungsoo says factually.

Baekhyun stops trying to kill him and pouts, "well you are kinda right."

Kyungsoo chuckles.

"Oh my god thank you my penguin for saving my life" Kai clings onto Kyungsoo.

Baekhyun cringes and slowly makes his way in the direction of the front door, "I'm going to go now..."


"Fuck school. Fuck life." Baekhyun breathes out as he cuddles into his blanket.

"You okay?" Chanyeol asks with concern from across the room.

"Everything's aight. I just don't want to go to school.. there's people" Baekhyun mumbles.

Chanyeol chuckles, "I am a person too.."

"A person that I like, unlike the people from school minus four"

Chanyeol arches his brow, "what does that mean?"

Baekhyun sits up and rolls his eyes, "it means that out of the whole school I can only stand four of them. You, Kyungsoo, Jongin and Chen"

"Chen? As in Kim Jongdae?"

"Yup. Why?"

"Nothing, just curious" Chanyeol says as he climbs into his own bed.

Baekhyun pouts at this and asks, "what are you doing?"

Chanyeol's face turns into confusion, "...getting in my bed..?"

"But I'm cold~" Baekhyun whines and crosses his arms.

Chanyeol chuckles and shakes his head. Tsk, such a kid. Chanyeol slowly walks over to Baekhyun's bed and makes himself comfortable.

"Yah, hold me" Baekhyun orders and turns so that his back is facing Chanyeol, allowing them to spoon.

Chanyeol chuckles as he wraps his big arms around Baekhyun's petite body. A comfortable silence envelopes the couple as they try to fall asleep.

"Baekhyun, I think I'm in love" Chanyeol softly whispers.

His breath kisses Baekhyun's neck, making the hairs go up.

Baekhyun's heart beats extremely fast. He grew up with a promise for himself- to only ever say the three special words if he really meant it unlike most if the world's population. Is Chanyeol that special someone? Baekhyun thinks so.

"I-I think I'm in love, too" Baekhyun breathes out, he doesn't manage to hear himself due to the loud thumps of his own heart.

They both smile. Baekhyun turns his face a little to see a bit of Chanyeol's huge ass grin and Chanyeol takes this opportunity to kiss Baekhyun a good night kiss. Baekhyun replies back. Once they part they lean back into their original spooning position they each say goodnight to one another.

Okkkayyy sorry it's a lousy chapter!!! I'm not good at expressing emotions through words and such, especially in third person(?) soo i think imma start doing first POV's aswell ^~^

But anyway guys i have been SO obsessed with this Kim Kardashian game about the celebrity life and shittt.. it's actually pretty fun but there is alot of space for improvement. Yeah this was so unnecessary and random but ehhh XD

M'kay Bye ((if you get this reference i love you T~T))

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