Chapter Three: Surprise

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Your POV:

I woke up slowly, having no memory of a dream. Maybe that talk with Asu made it better. No! I cannot think that! Despair and pain always comes back when the time is right.

I sit and think for a few minutes while the sun is taking its time rolling up in the sky. You cannot even see it yet.

I sighed as I remembered everything. I then walked over to my dresser and looked at myself into the mirror. Maybe these wounds might heal in a few days? That's if I don't get beaten up again. I don't know what to think anymore.

I'm still waking up and I hear mum yell from downstairs. I walk downstairs in my night wear and see what going on.

"Haha! I did it!" She yelled. I looked at her."I got the other job in the hospital! It only just hit me today! We are gonna be rich!" She yelled. I'm surprised she didn't notice my injuries. I walked back upstairs to get ready.

As I was walking upstairs I could hear her having a mini party.

I slipped on my uniform, fixed my hair and made myself hygienic. I grabbed my bag and pulled some stuff that wasn't needed for the day.

I walked downstairs and sat down to grab some breakfast. I sighed when I realised I am really early. I sit my bag down and make some toast. " Wow you went shopping last night! This would last us months! Thanks Mo!" My mum said in relief.

When I finished my breakfast I grabbed one of my favourite books from the shelf under the TV. It was called ' Night of Despair'. I then walked out the door while saying my goodbye and see you later.

As I walked outside I realised it was raining. I knocked on the house door."I need an umbrella " I asked mum. She went for a few moments while bringing me my black and white umbrella. " Arigato!" I yelled as I walked away.

I held the umbrella in one hand and read my book in the other. I was fascinated with the use of words.

It read:

I looked up at the crimson sky. My heart shattered into pieces. I cannot believe I was that blind to think that that cheater loved me.

My tears shimmered red from the moon. My pale skin shinning and my brown eyes glistening from the sight of the moon.

I'm so foolish. I cannot even describe the feeling. All those years I wasted and my memories broken.

I wish that I could just be an angel and shin in the sky.

I love these stories. I know how they feel. They understand my dream and I understand theirs. I kept strolling along until the school was in view.

I didn't take my eyes off my book because I don't want to see the daily swooning.

Kakashi's POV:

Yet again. It never changes. Girls swooning and me. I look to see Mocha reading a book. She didn't take her eyes off it.

She pulled her umbrella down and she then walked inside. "Um girls I just need to go do something I need you all to stay here because I'm getting you um... A surprise" I lied. I just wanted to see Mocha. She seemed more upbeat and that was never like her.

As I walked inside I saw her go to the nurses office. I then followed her. I looked behind me to see no signs of crazy fan girls.

Your POV:

"Ok let's see how your injuries are going" The nurse declared. I then carefully slipped my high black socks and shoes off to show many bruises and gashes. She then observed it. She sometimes touched them to see if they still hurt. All of then did.

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