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Alec woke up in his cell again. Ky sat across for him, sleeping. He blinked unsure of what had happened. As he sat up, he knocked Ky's foot and the other boy roused, stretching. Once his chocolate, brown eyes focused on Alec, he quickly sat up.

"Are you okay?" Ky's voice was gruff with worry.

Alec looked at him, confusion written across his features.

"Yeah why wouldn't I-." But as Alec said this, he moved his right arm, and a dull ache he hadn't noticed turned into a sharp stab. He looked down at his arm inquisitively, and found the skin looked normal but the pain felt like a skin irritant or -

"A burn." Alec murmured. 'What one feels the other feels.' He remembered. The memories began to flood his system. Aline's message, walking to the building, different winding hallways, the scientists, Magnus. Magnus.

"Oh my god. Oh my god, Magnus, god Magnus." Alec stammered.

"What? What happened?" Ky's urgent voice cut through Alec's panic.

"How did I get back here?" Alec answered the question with another question. "What did they tell you? Wait how are you in the same cell as me?"

"Umm, they carried you back. You were unconscious but not injured. They gave you to me and said to watch out for you. It was another member of my group, he knew I was trained in first aid. You woke up once, screaming, but they came and gave you a healing rune and you fell asleep. This is the first time you've woken up since. What happened?" Ky's version of the story filled in the blanks for Alec.

Alec stood up, clutching his burning arm to his chest and rattled the cell doors.

"Hello? Is there anyone there? Where is Magnus? What happened?" His voice rose in pitch. Nobody answered his pleas, but then he remembered something. He knelt down with his back to door and reached into his pocket. Nothing. He reached into his other pocket, with a sinking feeling in his stomach. Empty.

He patted his clothes desperately, searching for the crumple of paper. He instead found a hole, his fingers shoved through the ripped fabric.

"Damnit," he swore. "The note must have fallen out. But Aline said something to Magnus, he'll know."

"What note?" Ky asked. "And where is Magnus?"

Alec looked at Ky, guilt crushing him. "On the way to the facility, Aline found us. Do you know Aline?" Ky nodded yes. "She said something about how we have more friends than we know, and she put a note in my pocket. But she also told Magnus something, something that I didn't hear, so we need Magnus to know what she meant." Ky nodded at him to continue.

"Magnus was with me, when we were with the Clave scientists." Alec spoke slowly, with reluctance. "It was okay until the very end. They injected him with something that was supposed to suppress his magic. But it didn't. It turned his magic against him. It burned him, and his skin bruised, which means internal bleeding, and his heart stopped and--"

Alec had begun to weep, his silent sobs racking his thin frame. He didn't make a sound, he just shook and rocked like the ground beneath him was suddenly broken and shaky. Ky went to touch him, comfort him, but as soon as his fingers made contact, Alec jerked back and his broken heart finally made a sound.

He wailed, like a wolf standing guard over their mate's lifeless body. It was a clear sound, like a music note. A single pitch reaching to the heavens, asking for forgiveness, telling of the sorrow it endured. His magic had once thrown sparks, now dripped off him and sizzled on the concrete floor, like acid rain.

"Don't you see?" Alec's once crystal-clear blue eyes, were muddied by tears. "It was because of me. He is probably dead, because of me." It wasn't until this moment, that Alec had allowed himself to break down. He could take his own pain, and physical suffering, but this was Alec's emotional shield of glass, shattering into broken splinters.

His rare display of emotion was cut short however, by a guard.

"Half-breed." This appeared to be the insulting title given to Alec.

Alec lunged up toward the man, his hands grabbing the bar with white knuckles. "How is he?' Alec asked desperately.

The man sighed impatiently. "He is stable for now, but still in critical condition. Our doctor have lots of experience, and we are in contact with the Spiral Labyrinth as well." The man then stalked away, ignoring Alec's pleas for more information, to see him, anything.  

"He is alive." Alec murmured softly and Ky dipped his head in agreement.

"He's alive."

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