Imagine- Eqa and Niall

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. Today was Niall's concert in Croak Park and I wanted to make sure everything was perfect. Niall had been dreaming of this day since he first auditioned for x-factor. He has always said it would be a dream come true, but he never thought they would sell out 3 shows.

I hopped out of bed trying not to wake him up. I glanced over at his sleepy body. His lips slightly parted in the middle, his cheeks were a rosey colour and his hair stood everywhere.

I could watch him like this for the rest of my life. He was perfect.

I realized that I needed to hurry if I wanted to get breakfast done before he woke up, so slipped on my fuzzy socks and went downstairs to the kitchen quietly.

Before I had got all the ingredients out, I felt a pair of big arms rap around me waist. I jumped slightly but relaxed after hearing Niall's raspy voice. "Good morning babe." He said before planting a soft kiss on my neck.

"Goodmorning babe, how are you feeling?" I said turning to face him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He smiled and said, "Nervous as hell, but excited at the same time." He said, a small sound of uncertainiy in his voice.

I smiled and replied, "Niall, you're going to be amazing. You and the boys have worked so hard for this, it's finally here, just enjoy every moment." I said kissing him afterwards.

I felt his lips form a smile on mine and I couldn't help but do the same.

He pulled away after noticing all the ingredients out in the counter and let out a giggle, "What is this all for?" "Well, I was going to make you breakfast in bed for your big day, but because you decided for the first time that it was a good day to wake up early, I couldn't start it." I replied looking around at the mess already made.

"Well, let's not waist anytime." He said grabbing a mixing bowl and the flour.

I was surprised at first, Niall hates cooking for himself, he always has someone else do it for him.

I watched as he struggled with adding every ingredient to the bowl. I couldn't help but laugh at him.

"Eqa, its not funny, not all of us can cook like you." He said while cracking an egg.

He cursed under his breathe as the egg shells dropped into the bowl, which made me laugh even more.

"Here, let me help you." I said picking out all the egg shells, then adding the milk, sugar and a dash of honey.

"You can stir it, that shouldn't be to complicated." I said giggling.

I turned around to close the egg carton, but when I turned back, Niall smashed an egg right on top of my head.

I gasped as the slimy substance rolled down the sides of my head and down my shirt.

"Niall!" I said before grabbing a handful of flour and throwing it right at him.

His laughed stopped and he grabbed the spatular on the rabble and the bowl of waffle batter.

"Oh, it's on Eqa." Niall said and chased me around the kitchen before throwing a spoonful of batter at my back.

I gasped the sloppy mixture stuck to my back.

"Niall, Cmon, now you're just waisting." I sId trying to clear the batter off my back, but failing. I still needed to get him back though, so I slipped a egg into my hand and his it behind my back.

"Awhh, I'm sorry beautiful." He said sadly.

He stepped closer and put his hands around my waist.

Before he could do anything, I cracked the egg on his head.

"Ha, gotcha." I said laughing.

Niall joined in the laughing before kissing me with his soft lips.

"I better get cleaned up before we leave." He said and I giggled.

"Actually, you look good in egg." I said observing himself giggling.

"I love you Eqa." He said before kissing me again.

"I live you Niall."


Yay a first imagines 😊👏. Send your requests to my twitter or xx

Hope you like it Eqa ❤️💁xx

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