the sequel: a/n

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(am i gonna put an a/n after every chapter? probably)

so, story time.
picture me, sitting in physics class, watching blue planet because it's the end of term and work is a foreign concept. next to me is btsryan , and we're discussing each of our first 'memekook' chapters, when they say to me, 'what if yugyeom got memekook to narrate this documentary?'

never one to back down from a challenge, i wrote this chapter right then; with them occasionally looking over my shoulder to support me and laugh at something i'd written ('the sting goes skrrra' was a hit, it seems), i worked that entire chapter out in an hour. probably why it's so short, i guess.

this was not meant to become a series, but with each chapter i write, i open more possibilities for myself in this so-called 'memekook!verse'.

so, if you're enjoying this - or even reading this a/n right now, which is unlikely - i hope you're ready for so much more.

- kam x

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2018 ⏰

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