Chapter 5- "A man paints with his brains and not with his hands" ~ Michelangelo

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hey y'all ;D here's the next chapter, enjoy!! please leave comments/vote it means a lot :) and I love hearing your opinions, anyone have any idea what Jai's problem might be? ;)

oh and btw when its says (see picture on right) I'm talking about the picture I've attached in the multimedia thing over there >>>>>>>>>>>>>


I didn’t need a mirror to know that my cheeks were burning red. That was such an irrational action! There was nothing wrong with being caught at looking at someone. I wasn’t even looking at him. I was just looking at his work.

“Sorry to disappoint you but I wasn’t actually looking at you. I was just curious what you were drawing.”

“Oh” Jai’s face looked a bit downfallen but his expression quickly turned back to enthusiasm when he spoke again “Come have a look if you want”, leaning over the table he examined my work and then cockily said

“And maybe afterwards I could help you a little too, I didn’t know a shoebox could mean something important to anyone”

I playfully slapped his arm, “It’s a London bus for your information” taking care to touch the part of his arm covered by his blazer, as I got up from my chair and came around to see what he had drawn.

Jai was certainly talented. REALLY talented. He had drawn a dog, but it portrayed more than that. He had elongated the whiskers and eyebrows to show that it was an old dog. The eyes seemed glassy and lonely. Like someone who has seen pain in their life. It was standing alone, just staring out of the paper. Jai had signed it at the bottom of the page. JAI BROOKS it read.

~~~(see picture on right)~~~

“Jai. Wow. What can I say, it’s amazing, have you had professional lessons or something?”

“Hah. As if I could afford it” this seemed to be directed more at him than me

“But nope I haven’t, do you honestly like it?” he smiled up at me, it wasn’t even like he was fishing for compliments, he just genuinely wanted confirmation that he was good at it

“I love it, wow Jai, you’re honestly so talented”

“Not really, they are so many people better than me” his mood becoming more sombre.

“It’s the best I’ve ever seen” I replied truthfully “anyways, is this your dog or?”

“Well I do have a dog, but no this isn’t it”

“So how is this important to you...?”

“It’s an old female, her pups have all been taken by illegal hunters for their fur, and now she’s alone.....I guess it represents family...yeah that’s’s pretty important to me” he looked up again taking in my expression

“Awh wow, now could you please help me with mine” trying to lighten the suddenly solemn mood.

“Yeah sure, come sit beside me” Jai smiled, rolling up his blazer sleeves which had fallen, revealing his arms once again.


I walked down to the bus stop with Jai, there I was greeted by Luke, Beau and Christine. The others had either gotten on the first bus or had been picked up by their parents but Luke and Beau had decided to wait for me and Jai, seeing as it was my first day. I wasn’t really sure why Christine was still here though.

“So how would you sum up your first day at school Olivia?” Luke questioned teasingly


“It must’ve been better than getting a frappuccino chucked at you?”

“You got that right” I laughed elbowing him

“I’d say it was....interesting.....yep, interesting”

“eurghhhh you boring British girl” Beau theatrically sighed making everyone laugh. Well everyone apart from Jai who had plugged in his Ipod, and gone back to him normal self.


In the next few days I found out that the Brooks brothers, along with Skip and James had formed a group called the Janoskians, where they went around Melbourne pranking people. They had about 10,000 subscribers so they were pretty famous around Melbourne. I had watched a few of their videos on Youtube and they were honestly hilarious. Beau was the most daring of the lot and his personality that I had seen in real life came across in their videos. Kaitlyn was a lucky girl, although she did sometimes act a bit stuck up for Beau but I guess I didn’t know much about their relationship.

 Skip was the most confident with his body, he jumped to any opportunity where he could display his toned chest and his nipple piercing. However it was on Thursday night when I noticed something in the videos. Jai looked so happy, that same rare excitement, that I had only seen surface once, in that Art lesson, was all over the place in the videos. I really didn’t understand him. Why was he introverted in school? It’s as if he has a split personality, I just wondered what it was that caused the change. But that wasn’t the thing that bothered me the most. The thing that bothered me the most is that he seemed most closed up towards me. And that certainly came through on Friday night.


Next chapter will be uploaded tomorrow because I'm busy on Wednesday and I don't want to keep you waiting til thurs  :)

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