Chapter 9

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The sight of small Arabelle lying on the floor with visible tear-streams on her cheeks was heart breaking.
The crying must have tired her to the point, where she simply fell asleep right here.

I tried avoiding her, to avoid any emotional strings, but you just couldn't just leave this little lady alone, especially when she was as sad as she is now.

I made my way towards the small little angel, lying on the cold floor, wanting to pick her up and carry her to her bed, but someone beat me to it.


He picked her up, his right arm supporting her back, his left arm under her knees.

I sneered at him angrily.

"What the fuck is your problem"

"The way you treat her is my problem, this can be counted as fucking abuse and especially this was just unnecessary. She was safe the entire fucking  time." I whisper-shouted, careful to not wake her up.

"She is non of your damn business,Lukas." He said sternly.

"Oh, but she is yours?"

"I'm her first and personal guard, her safety is indeed my business." He coldly said.

"Does this include protecting her from yourself?" I asked in a provocative manner.

"I know that you just want to fuck her Lukas, don't pretend that you actually care for her" he snapped, loosing control over himself.

"You know shit, Black" I snapped, adressing him by his last name.

"Don't you dare feel things for her that you are not allowed to feel. She is fucking mine and she will always be fucking mine!" He responded, now full on screaming. Arabelle stirred a little, still not waking up, despite our fight.

"I will carry her up now, but if you dare look at her the wrong way, think about her inappropriately, or consider her as something more than just a job, I will rip you apart." He said coldly, fully controlled.

The two then left the lounge, the small girl still innocently lying in the beast's arms.


Fuck Xander.

He can go and suck my fucking cock, his little speech will not keep me away from her.

„You should listen to him Lukas" James suddenly said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Why, so he can continue fucking abusing her? Do you all hate her that much? What did she even ever fucking do to you?" I sneered at him angrily.

"Look, we do not hate her. She's as innocent as they get, in fact some of us feel things for her they probably shouldn't. But you see, Xander is a dangerous man and so are her brothers. Do you think they just would let it slide, if one of us came too close to her? He's a freak, he god damn owns her."

"What the fuck are you even saying? You are letting this poor girl suffer because you're scared?" I spat at him.

"You don't understand Lukas. Xander is as dangerous as the brothers themselves, if not even more so. He practically loves Arabelle, he just hasn't realised it yet."

"If that's the shit you call love I don't ever want to experience it." I ended the conversation and left the room.

Love. Of course.

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