The difference between good and bad, the difference between sunshine and rain, difference between me and you.
Hermione Granger never expected to fall in love with her worst enimy, let alone discover that he was a werewolf...
[Cover by Kind-of]
Hermione Granger sat in the Gryffindor common room for the very last time.
She had missed her friends deerly because she hadn't seen them in ages due to the fact that she had repeated her last year at Hogwarts and they did not. Hermione was going to graduates tomorrow and was very excited to see her boyfriend Ronald Weasley again.
After the Wizarding World War, the to have become closer than ever and ron was not very happy that Hermione was repeating her last year, but accepted the idea and started his aura training early.
Finally the graduation ceremony was over and Hermione disapparated to the burrow, where he saw Ron kissing his ex girlfriend Lavender brown.
"Ron! How could you do this to me?" Hermione said to her boyfriend
"Hermione, you've been at Hogwarts the past year, I didn't know when you'd be returning!" Ron reply before returning to kiss lavender Brown.
Hermione left the Burrow, mascara dripping down her face as she cried in the rain.
This was not the first time she wished she was still at Hogwarts.
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