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Kat's point of view.

Two months have gone by since Leo's surgery and he has been getting better, the doctor's said that he needed plenty of rest from the surgery but he also needed to try his best to go back to his usual routine, everyone did there best to help him while I made sure not to let him think in any negative way from all of this making Mikey smile to me at how well things were going, Nova and I were slowly showing how we were pregnant at the moment making the others try to help out when we needed it or Nova because I just needed to keep Leo distracted at times making it an easy job for me.

"Hey Kat, have you seen Jas? I can't seem to find her" Donnie asked making me look to him with Leo "I'm not sure, last time I saw her she was in the dojo" Leo said making me look to him "I saw her walk out of the lair while you were sleeping, she said something about getting some groceries and hanging out a bit with April" I said making Donnie nod and get his phone out to call Jas or April about this making me and Leo go back to watching the TV as Mikey was in one of the extra rooms at the moment doing something, I don't know what he was doing because he wouldn't let me in as when I tried once he then went to lock it when he needed to do something in there making me keep away.

Raph came out of his room making me look to him as he walked over "Come on Leo, time to train" he said making Leo nod and follow as Nova came out of the kitchen to sit with me "He's getting better" she said making me nod "I'm sure he's slowly hoping to get better" I said making her smile as she touched her baby bump making me smile to her as Donnie came back "April said Jas was with her in a café, they should be coming back soon" Donnie said making me nod and smile to him as he joined us with Mikey still working in the room making me have no other choice but to wait at the moment, Jas came in with the grocery bags making Don move to help her with them "April had to go because her boyfriend called her for something important" she explained making me raise a brow at that as instead I left it be and just went back to the show on the TV.

The two they went to cooking diner making me smile at the scent slowly coming from the kitchen as Mikey came out at last as Raph and Leo were done with training moments later so they came over to the TV, some comedy show was on at the moment as we laughed while waiting for diner to be ready until the sudden sound of Jas screaming in pain made us move over to the kitchen to see what was wrong as Don held her in his arms and tried to calm her down as she held her head in immense pain "She coming back! Angelica is back!" she yelled making our eyes widen as we turned to Leo who was thinking "Leo?" Nova asked as he then looked to us "Pack your things, were going to the farmhouse. Mikey get some food that we can bring on the ready, Raph pack for Donnie and Jas and Don get whatever you need for security before getting Jas in the van" Leo ordered making us nod and move to leave.

I hated this, Angelica was back making me worry for Jas right now as Raph got her and Donnie's things making me then remember about the staff, I quickly and quietly went in there room as Raph went for his things first and I went to grab the staff to put it in my things just to be safe before going to the van to put my bags in with Mikey's, once everyone was in Raph got the van started as Leo wasn't sure he could right now and Donnie wanted to care for Jas right now making me smile at them as Mikey stayed close to me and Nova went to make sure Leo was fine, Jas slowly calmed down the more we got away from the city "Could it be that she sensed her sister coming closer to the lair?" Mikey asked making Don nod "Maybe yes, with Jas screaming it might have been like a signal to Angelica that she was close to us" he explained.

When we arrived Don got Jas first in a room on a bed to rest before coming back for there things while we all got inside with everything, Leo looked around for a moment as we all went to where Jas and Don were "We need to stay here for now, Don make sure Jas tries to figure out what's happening in the city with Angelica, the moment she's far from the lair and were safe we get back home" Leo explained making us all nod to the plan before we all got to doing something to keep ourselves distracted while Mikey went to making diner for us but also with us hearing Jas groaning and we all knew it would be hard to keep ourselves safe with this happening to us right now making me wonder what we should do.

A few days later, Jas wasn't getting any better and Nova was telling Leo that keeping Jas here was only getting us in danger with me and her pregnant, Leo didn't want to listen to her for if he did Don would be mad and would want to leave with her and we would all be unable to use the security he got up and ready to protect us making me worry for Jas as we all went to bed for the night, but the next morning the sound of Donnie calling out for Raph and Jas to come back made us all run out as Don glared towards Nova "You! Because of you being selfish Jas left just 'To keep us safe' and Raph went with her to make sure she doesn't get hurt!" he yelled as tears streamed down his face.

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