five: green is such a beautiful color on you

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Camila hummed against the pale expanse of Lauren's neck, grazing her teeth over her pulse point.

Lauren let out a quiet moan, her hands shooting up to tangle in Camila's hair. "Camila, this isn't right, we should stop," She panted as she felt Camila's tongue dart out against her skin.

The younger Latina placed a soft kiss under Lauren's ear, moving to nibble it. "What's wrong?" She whispered. "I thought you wanted this, Lo." Camila continued her path of light kisses up to Lauren's jaw.

"I do," Lauren gripped Camila's hair tighter when she felt another nip against her skin. "But what if he finds out?"

Camila pulled her lips away from Lauren's skin to look the girl directly in the eyes. Her green orbs were now darkened and lust-filled; her lips were parted, allowing her heaving breaths to escape, and her skin was flushed, no doubt from Camila's scattered kisses.

She leaned forward to press a quick kiss into Lauren's mouth. "He won't," She whispered against the girl's lips. Her hand cupped Lauren's cheek to pull her into a deeper kiss, to which the dark haired girl complied.

Lauren's hands grip the hem of her shirt-removing it in one swift motion-and then they're guiding her to lay back. Once she's straddled Camila's waist, she tugs her own shirt off and throws it somewhere across the room. Camila's mouth waters at the sight of Lauren's full chest encased in black lace, a perfect contrast against her creamy white skin.

Lauren drapes her body over Camila's, pressing the exposed parts of their skin together deliciously and connecting their mouths in a heated kiss. Camila groans into the kiss and snakes her arms around her waist, dragging her nails down the girl's back.

When Lauren's mouth attaches to her neck, Camila's eyes almost roll back in pleasure. Her kisses are so sensual, so full of desire, and Camila knows that Lauren is taking her time to worship every inch of her skin.

Suddenly, Lauren's lips are gone, and the pressure of her body is lifted, leaving Camila frustrated and confused. When she opens her eyes, her jaw drops in shock.

Mason's kneeling between her thighs, his head is cocked to the side, and Camila can't quite make out the expression on his face.

"It's not so easy to resist temptation is it, Mila?"

His eyes roam over her skin-no doubt taking in the red marks and bruises from where Lauren's lips have been-from where they've claimed her.

Camila doesn't have time to formulate a response before Mason is leaning over her, one hand wrapping tightly around her throat. It's not enough to hurt her, but the pressure isn't entirely pleasant.

He's face to face with her now, staring intently into her eyes as if he's searching for something he can't seem to find. He presses harder against her throat, causing her hands to wrap around his own.

It's getting harder for Camila to breathe. "Mason-"

Mason's other hand joins the one already pressed against Camila's throat. She struggles against him, which only causes him to add more pressure.

"I don't want to hear it, Camila. Nobody likes a hypocrite."

His eyes are vacant, and his hands are heavy. He squeezes Camila's throat as tight as she can, a haunting smirk forming on his lips as her air supply is cut off. She continues to writhe beneath him in any attempt to fight him off.

The last thing she sees before the darkness begins to encase her vision is the sinister curving of his lips in a devilish smile.

Camila jolts awake, her heartbeat thunderous and her skin covered in a light sheen of sweat. Her breathing is erratic as her eyes frantically jump around the room. She runs a hand through her messy hair when she remembers that she's in Lauren's bedroom.

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