"OMG FINN GUESS WHAT I GOT!" I scream with so much excitement laced in my voice.
"What what whatttt?!" He says back into the phone while smiling.
"Well, two things." I start, while trying my hardest to hold back the tears of pure joy and happiness, "For starters, I got a gecko, which as you know, I've wanted for months. And, I got..drum roll please." I finish.
Finn quickly pats his leg to imitate a drum roll.
"A PLANE TICKET TO COME SEE YOU IN LA!" I scream as I jump off my bed while finally letting a few tears escape my eyes.
"You're joking." He says as he jumps up. "NO WAY GEO!" He screams.
"WHEN WHEN WHEN?" He yells.
I quickly look at the plane ticket.
"TO. FRIGGEN. MORROW." I barely blurt out while smiling into the phone so much that it hurts.
"Wow, I'm gonna meet my fav girl." Finn says as he slides down his wall and smiles at me.
"And I'm gonna meet my fav boy." I smile back.
Could this day get any better?
"So Finnie the Pooh, what should we name this little guy?" I ask as I pick up the gecko and I stare at him.
"He looks like a Gizmo to me." Finn says as he gets close to the camera to examine the small reptile.
"Does he really or are you still obsessed with Gizmo?" I ask as I chuckle into the phone.
"Hey! Gizmo is one cute lil dude, okay?" He says.
"Gizmo it is." I smile as I look at Finn, and then to the newly named gecko.
✧ okay um i haven't updated in 500 years buuuut,
i actually recently got a gecko, his name is Finn :,) obsessive? no.
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