Chapter Two

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Stage's POV

"Okay. One more question. Who do you like?"

"Zayn." My voice was barely even a whisper, but Dani somehow managed to hear me.

"OH MY GOD!" A few seconds later both the boys came busting in the room.

"What happened?"

"Did she tell you? Was I right?"

"Everything's fine." I started and Dani finished for me, saying, "And no Zayn! You we're insanely wrong! Oh my god, Stage!" She had the biggest smile on her face ever.

"Wait, now I'm confused."

"Join the club Zayn, that's how I felt since I walked in the flat."

"I told Dani the truth, which isn't what Zayn thinks. Like I said, I don't like him!"

"No, but she likes someone else!" I glared at Dani as she winked at Zayn, luckily he didn't notice.

"Then why did you act like that today?"

"Because, you we're right about me being jealous. But not because of who they were, but what they had."

"Okay, If someone doesn't tell me what's going on right now I swear I'll...I'll..well I don't know what I'll do, but I want answers now people!"

"Calm down Liam, I'll tell you. Zayn saw me watching you guys, not in a creepy way, I promise, but he thought I was upset, which I was. He came to the conclusion that I was jealous of Dani because I like you, but I don't I like Z-someone else!" I quickly corrected myself and moved on. "Anyway, that's when you guys walked in and Dani took me upstairs and now here we all are."

"Which makes me wonder! Exactly how often does Liam talk about Stage? Huh, Zayn?"

"Um, Uh...what?"

Dani rolled her eyes at him. "You told Stage that this guy, who we now know is Liam, talks about her all the time."

"I do, but not like that! I talk about her because I was worried. She's been acting strange lately."

All eyes turned to look at me. Have I really been acting strange? "It's nothing!"

"It's not nothing, babe! I know what it is and the boys don't need to know." Dani turned to them. "It's nothing bad, just personal stuff." She glanced at Zayn who was watching me carefully. He looked like he was in some deep thought mode. "Well, Liam. I think Zayn wants to talk to Stage, so...let's go!" She grabbed his hand and walked out the door with him, closing on the way.


I looked up to see Zayn closer than I thought he was.


"I heard you...his name starts with a Z. Tell me!" His serious mood turned into one of a gossiping girl's very fast. I laughed at the way he was bouncing on the bed.

"No Zayn! I'm not telling you!"

"Well then I guess I'll have to guess! Is his name Zach?" I shook my head. "Zeke?"



i shook my head again. Was he this clueless?

"Well, give me a hint! Please?"

"Okay...all you boys know him!"

"But, the only 'z' name we all know is...wait."

So he finally caught on...

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