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note: my writing has improved a little, i'm sorry for the shit content in the past!! and sorry about the vv late update

It's All About The You Now, Not The You Then:

seokjin, namjoon, yoongi, jimin, and hoseok all decided to go their ways while minhyun, taehyung, and jeongguk had a talk in a cafe near taehyung's uni.
taehyung leaned back on the chair, sipping on his sugary- very sugary- drink, while still confused on what to say.

" i.. uh.. don't know how to start. how about a question about how you two met? "

minhyun and jeongguk awkwardly looked at each other, before jeongguk handed out the answer,

" we met at a downtown private gay bar. "

taehyung legitimately choked on his drink, which made jeongguk rush to wipe his chin.
taehyung paused, then continued to speak,

" that's.. that. and.. i.. uhm.. did you guys.. you know.. "

taehyung makes a- very inappropriate- hang gesture to indicate 'very intimate highly sexual gay butt sex'.
minhyun slapped taehyung's hand, a light pink tint on his cheeks, and not to mention jeongguk scratching the back of his neck.

taehyung identified that as a full on 'yes' from both of them,

" i want the full story. now. including why you both got together and broke up. "

minhyun was gestured to by jeongguk, which made hide his face in his hands.
he let out a sigh, as if what happened in busan should actually just stay in busan, not needing to go into his boyfriend's head.
jeongguk, although usually an open book to taehyung, really didn't want to say,

" you know what? tae, why is it so important? it was in the past, and that was the old me. back then, i wasn't the person i am now! "

taehyung stopped drinking before looking up towards jeongguk, setting the beverage down on the table.

taehyung made a face, like he was unsure. taehyung looked at minhyun, putting on a fake smile, out of spite,

" min min ah, did i say anything about you guys as individuals? "

" i... ah... no. you asked about our relationship. "

" exactly. so, what happened in busan? "

it was obvious, taehyung's voice was agitated, and both minhyun and jeongguk knew trying to go against that tone was something no one should do unless they were in for a death wish.

they explained what happened in busan, jeongguk especially,

" yeah, that's basically it. we fucked, became fuck buddies, and got feelings for each other, and.. yeah! yeah, that's about it. "

minhyun shifted uncomfortably, and so did jeongguk, he whispered towards jeongguk,

" do you.. uh.. want to tell him? or should i? "

" should we.. i mean... i was stupid then.. i didn't.. i'm sorry, minhyun ah. "

" no. no, i know. you were forgiven. i can see how much you've changed. "

jeongguk sighed, he looked at taehyung as if he was afraid about taehyung's thoughts about what he would be saying next.

jeongguk stood up, then crouching next to taehyung, since he was sitting down, he held taehyung's hands,

" baby, you trust me right? you believe in the change of people, right? "

" i'm confused, why are you- "

" before minhyun and i say anything on why we broke up, i wasn't- i am not the person i used to be. i changed so much, i realized my stupidity from those years ago. "

taehyung's eyebrows furrowed, as if nothing made sense to him at that moment.

jeongguk and minhyun nodded at each other as if they were to say it together,

they  spoke at the same time, making taehyung confused,

" i cheated. " " he cheated. "

taehyung blinked a couple times,

" who said 'i cheated'? "

a small voice was heard from next to taehyung,

" i did. "

taehyung felt as if that someone had just stabbed his heart.

the one person he trusted most, the one he had been having fun with for the longest time, the one he thought would never, ever, do something like cheating.

taehyung hesitantly looked at the guy who cheated,

" jeongguk hyung.. you cheated? of all people, it was.. you? "

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