Chapter Eight: Two Options. One Choice.

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Last time on the galactic drama everyone needs... I mean Two Halves of the Force.

"You know my sister?" (Y/N) said shocked. "Who are you?"

"The best in the business." He said smiling. "I'm her commander. Poe Dameron. Come with me." He held out his hand and she stared at it speechless.

What does she do? Does she go to her sister or stay with Ben? What did she want to do?
(Y/N) stared at his hand. She closed her eyes and took his hand. He snuck her out and turned to look at her when she suddenly stopped at the door. (Y/N) was staring at the ground. It had been 2 year since she had stepped outside.

"Come on (Y/N). It's okay. Nothing is going to happen to you. Not while you are with me. I promise." Poe said trying to coax her out. He looked down at her feet and for the first time he noticed she wasn't wearing any shoes and that she had a giant gash from the bottom of her foot to her mid calf. "Oh Maker."

Poe picked her up making her squeak and carried her to his X-wing. He helped her into the ship and heard beeping from his right. He smirked and looked at BB-8.

"It's just Jessika's sister. You worry too much buddy." He laughed as he took off. (Y/N) closed her eyes and let everything wash over her. She just left her prison but she just left her loved one as well. "Hey Blue Three. I have a surprise for you when we get back to base."

"Come on Poe, I'm not falling for that again." (Y/N) sat up a little at the sound of the person's voice.

"I promise it's not that." Poe grumbled. There was a bunch of laughter that followed. (Y/N) leaned her head against the side and closed her eyes. She felt Ben's rage and his pain and sarrow. Tears ran down her face as she felt his heart break in two. She put a hand over her heart, falling asleep to the gentle vibration of the ship.
Ben looked around the room tears blurring his vision. The table and chairs had been flipped, books were scattered everywhere, and the bed was a mess.

He had felt her panic and confusion and pain. It was what made him run to check on her. When he got there she was gone and there was a trail of bloody foot prints. They lead to a doorway and stopped, then one set of boot prints with blood drops here and there. Then it stopped completely. Markings of a ship were there.

He heard a small knock but didn't react. The door opened and Ben didn't look up at whoever entered.

"Sir?" It was just one of the maids. "Sir?... Si-"

"I am not a lost child that needs you to call for them. What do you want?" He spit out each word with a harsh tone that made the girl flinch.

"Um... Anne Lee... She was caught... In the... In the cross fire... B-but.... She heard.. She heard (Y/N) was taken... And ah she wanted.... Someone to... To make sure... You were.... You were alright." She stuttered. Ben stood up and walked up to the girl. He kissed her roughly before tossing her on the bed. He knew he shouldn't but he needed release and she was as close as he was gonna get to that.
(Y/N) felt a hand on her cheek. She opened her eyes and she saw it was Poe. He smiled at her and climbed out, helping her down. Blood covered her foot and she slipped and fell. Poe caught her before she hit the ground. He set her down and before she could say anything a beloved voice was heard.

"This better not be a joke Dameron or so help me, I will-"

"You'll what? Shil me back to mom and dad?" (Y/N) joked making Jessika freeze.

"No. You're... You're dead." Jessika said in disbelief.

"Really? Thanks for telling me Poe." She said looking at him and shaking her head.

Two Halves of the Force (Kylo Ren x reader)Where stories live. Discover now