What a Day!

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"Bri! Lizz! Get your butts down here!" I yelled up the stairs. We were leaving to go to the boys' house, but they were taking way too long. 

"We're almost done! Calm your carrots girl!" Brianna shouted. I rolled my eyes. One afternoon with Louis Tomlinson and this girl has already gone off the deep end. Today would definitely be interesting. I was yanked out of my thoughts by my two best friends pounding down the stairs.

"Come on! Let's go Myranda!" Lizz said, grabbing my wrist and pulling me out of the house. Harry had texted me their address last night and as it turns out, they only live five minutes away from me. I pulled out my phone and checked the time. We were already ten minutes late. I should probably text Harry and tell him we are running late. I thought to myself. Just as I found Harry's number in my contacts, I got a text. 

Hi gorgeous. Where are you guys? Louis and Niall miss your friends. I think Niall fancies Lizz, but you didn't hear that from me. See you soon? ~ H 

I cursed in my head before responding.  Hey, sorry about being late. Bri and Lizz took ages getting ready! I've never seen Brianna take so long. It's not like she wears make up or anything. Anyway, we are about two minutes away. Lizz definitely fancies Niall... we should get them together. Use our match making skills ;D ~M

"Guys, we're late. I'll race you the rest of the way!" I exclaimed, knowing Brianna would never say no to a little competition. 

"You're on!" Bri exclaimed as expected. Not wanting to be left behind, Lizz accepted the challenge too. "On three. Ready? One."

"Two..." Lizz chimed in.

"THREE!" I shout, running down the street. I can't say any of us are fast. Bri and I play softball, but I just started and Brianna just isn't built to be a track star. She also has had a problem with her hip recently. Lizz doesn't play any sports, so she isn't fast. Basically what I'm saying is we look like a bunch of spastic teenagers running down a road.

When we arrived at the house the boys' share, my jaw dropped. It could only be described as a scale model Buckingham Palace! The place was huge! After the initial shock wore off, I rang the doorbell. Seconds later, Harry and Louis opened the door. 

Bri Cheese!" Louis exclaimed tackling her to the ground. "I miss you! The lads don't understand me as well as you do."

"Boobear! I missed you too!" Bri replied laughing. Louis got off of her and helped her up. Brianna cringed. Her hip must be bothering her again.

"Come on in! The others are upstairs, so we can go hang out there," Harry said. Louis pulled Brianna up the stairs with Lizz following close behind. "So I assume you found the place okay?"

"We did actually. I live just up the road, so it was easy," I told him.

"Good. So uh, why were you girls running down the road?" he asked. I laughed.

"Stalking me are you?"

"No! Not at all! i just happened to look out the window and I saw the three of you running towards the house," Harry said quickly.

"Calm down I was kidding! When I noticed we were so late, I challenged Bri to a race, knowing she would say yes and Lizz would join in. It was my way of getting here quicker." 

"Clever. So I noticed Brianna grimaced when Lou helped her up. He didn't break her did he?"

"No, she has the hips and knees of an old woman. I swear, when ever she stands up either one of her hips cracks or her knees will pop. But sometimes after she runs, her left hip bothers her. It started back during freshman year. Bri was on the softball team and that's when it really started bothering her. She could barely run the bases during one of the games and her coach had her sit the rest of the game even though she tried to tell him she was fine. It's a good thing he didn't let her play though. Bri could barely walk up the stairs later. Anyway, everyone is probably wondering where we are by now."

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