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   All three of them are a whispering mess, my mother father and  Dr. Payne were whispering. It was so disrespectful. I don't mean to sound all conservative and old...but to me whispering sounded like nails on a chalk board or vice versa.

   Its not like I could walk out of his office or anything because I swear the three of them would make such a big deal out of it. They'd shun me from all the things teenagers do and I'd honestly just laugh because It wouldn't change my everyday life.

   I knew they were discussing my sit in the street episodes, and I guess they had every right to.

   "Hey, yeah no problem we'll be sure to chat about it." Dr. payne says this in his regular voice in a way Of signaling to me that their private conversation was over...fuck now he was trying to be all polite.

   "I'm guessing you'll be done at about 3 today?" my father asked Dr. Payne. My fathers demeanor just read older, wiser and wealthier whenever he was around Liam, and I suppose this is true.

  "Yes three O'clock and I'll be sure to call you when I drop him off at home." I really got sick of the whole car pooling thing with Liam but Who cares.

   My mother clicks over to me and I say click because she wore these high heels that only somebodies wear, and she wasn't a pretender she really was a somebody and she loved letting people know.

   "Alright Harry see you later tonight." She kisses my cheek after she says this and it made me want to puke its just the thought of any type of affection from a somebody makes me feel inadequate.

   "See you later pal." pal....pal....what a fucking dumb ass I'm not a pal leave it to my fucking father to call me a pal.

   I was kind of sad to see them go if I had to be honest because now I'm stuck in this beach impostered office filled with brown furniture, Liam and that fucking notebook.

   "Harry, how are you then."

  I didn't feel like talking.

   "Harry, your parents-"

   " Oh them... what about them, oh what Pals of mine they are."

   I hate being sarcastic but sometimes its a reflex...kinda like how you immediately try to break your fall with your hands.

   "Well yeah.....wait Harry, I'm really worried about you." there he goes over using my name again.

   "Liam, do you to refer to me as Harry all the time or just every once in a while." There goes my sarcasm again.

   "Uh, well I thought-"

    "wait no sorry excuse me you're the adult and this is your office, call me what you please." I add trying to correct my negative behavior.

   "No Harry I want to make you comfortable at all cost do you maybe want a nick name or something?" Yeah so I fucking screwed up by bringing the whole name thing up.

   I shrug though.. in some ways accepting his offers and in others not giving a shit at all.

   "Have you ever had a nick name?"

   "No......have you." I sigh out before looking around his office trying to choose something to degrade.

   "Yeah...actually my teammates they used to call me payno." he chuckled..It was one of those chuckles that make girls too actually.


   "Yeah Harry I was captain of my football team." Now the smile that he now basically paired with his previous chuckle made me want to just leave..I kinda felt uneasy.

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