The white-amber wave of destruction rushed towards them. Cassian closed his eyes and breathed in Jyn's scent for the last time: sweet, with a hint of Scarif's ocean breeze. He was ready to leave this world, because he had finally found peace. They had accomplished their mission, they had won. Jyn kept her eyes wide open, facing her demise with pride. She knew she had succeeded, and more than that, she had succeeded with Cassian. Neither of them had dared to trust or love ever again. After all the pain they had been through, losing their family and friends one by one, being lied to and deceived, having to fight to survive just until tomorrow, they were afraid to trust. Afraid to love, because they might lose the one they loved. And yet, they were willing to love each other. They were willing to risk pain and loss to have a chance at happiness, so that they could spend their last moments at peace. "The Force is with me," Jyn whispered. "And I am one with the Force," Cassian replied softly. The blast would hit them in a blink of an eye, but Jyn knew she was safe in Cassian's arms. She thought she had lost him when he was shot and he fell from the tower. But then there he was, protecting her from Krennic so she could send the transmissions to the Alliance, and here he was again, protecting her once more. The wave that hit the two figures clutching to each other, to hope, to love, in the last moments of their lives should have killed them. But it didn't. The kyber crystal necklace Lyra had given Jyn all those years ago glowed blue and warm. A mother's love for her daughter, combined with the power of a Jedi's lightsaber and the Force or fate or destiny or whatever it may be created an impenetrable shield around the two heroes. The beach came crashing down all around them, and still Cassian waited to be swept away with it. And still, it never hit them. The wave rushed past them, eventually fading away into nothingness. There was a pause, as if the whole planet was holding its breath. And then slowly, tentatively, Cassian opened his eyes. He nor Jyn dared to speak, to move, for fear that something would happen, that the planet would be devastated by another blast. The sun was beginning to set, and Cassian's eyes found Jyn's. He stared into her eyes with such a passionate mixture of love, wonder, and hope that the tears Jyn had been holding back started to leak out. Slowly and more tenderly than possible for a war-hardened rebellion captain, Cassian's outstretched finger brushed a single tear off Jyn's sand-streaked face. His stare was deep and emotional and it was almost like he was talking to her even though he wasn't saying a word. Then suddenly his lips were on hers and it was just the two of them standing there, feeling nothing but each other. The kiss was soft but passionate, and behind it Jyn could feel every word that could never be spoken. The cool, salty sea breeze played across Cassian's face, and he looked off into the horizon. He was shaking inside, still wondering how they were alive and together, but his eyes were filled with certainty. The future that he had never thought possible was starting to become a reality. Jyn smiled, and although it was a small, sad smile, her eyes were brimming with hope. Rebellions are built on hope. Darkness was starting to fall, but there was nowhere to go. As far as the eye could see, the planet was a mess of fallen trees, a mixture of slushy water and sand, and a scattering of debris. Jyn and Cassian slept under the stars, pressed up close against each other for warmth. Rain fell that night, washing away the reminders and scars of battle. The pair of heroes woke with the sunrise in the morning, feeling refreshed and truly alive with the promise of a new day, a new beginning, a new hope.
A New Beginning
FanfictionFirst off: if you're reading this, THANK YOU SO MUCH!! So here it is, just an alternate (happier) ending to Rogue One. Although I liked the ending to the movie a lot too. One more thing: PLEASE PLEASE don't copy...I know the idea isn't super origina...