Just Another

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Made by me

Just Another

Just another mistake
Just another phrase said wrong
Just another action, I can't take back
Just another
Just another...

What did I do wrong?
What can I do right?
I just mess everything up
I can't do it right
Just do what's right

Make me forget about you
I'll be your perfect slave
Tears running down my face again
Voice shaking
But I'll stay...
I'll stay with you

Just another mistake
Just taking up space
What's right?
What's wrong?
What do I do?

Sleepless days
Thinking of what I did wrong
Another phrase, wrong
Another action, wrong
Just another...
Just another

Make me forget
Make me un love
'Cause I can't do it right
Just another fight
Just more tears that night

I'll be your perfect slave
I'll be whatever you want
Just another lifeless doll
Am I doing it right?
Is this what you want?

Just another mistake
Another sleepless night
Tears running down my face
Voice shaking
Im just another....
Im just another....

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