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Lately everythings been so messed up
Ive been so trapped inside
So lost in time
I don't know how to tell you

I don't know now to be strong anymore
How do I be brave?
Been feeling so trapped, so lost
Tears running down my face

Staring at the stars tonight
How do I be strong?
How do I be brave?
How do I tell you?
Im Losing myself

So this is what its like to be at rock bottom
I don't know how to survive
Im losing myself
Im losing my fight

Everything is so messed up
I'm trapped
I'm lost
And I can't find my way

I don't know anymore
I don't know how to tell you
Im not strong
Not brave
Teach me how

Staring at the stars
Will I ever reach that high
I'm stuck at rock bottom

Im trapped and lost in time
Can't find my way
How do I tell you
Im not strong
Not brave
Im losing my fight

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