Chapter 18

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I'm so lazy and I apologize for that. I think this book is nearing the end unless I have more ideas for it. I hope everyone liked reading this. Enjoy!

Niall looks so amazing! ❤️

Previously on Plane Crash....

"I can kill them, but the officers will find that out too." He says quietly to himself, trying to think what to do. Being charged for kidnapping and murder is a whole lot worse than being charged with just kidnapping. Blair weighs his options and makes his decision.

Just as he was about to act on his choice of a plan, there was a knocking on his front door. The voice of Chief Brons demanding for Blair to open the door.


Brons eventually called Liam and Louis with the best news the boys have ever heard. Both boys were rescued and were already at the hospital. Niall looking pretty bad and Harry with a few broken bones and little stitches here and there.

Once they hung the phone up the boys called the families to tell them the news. All of them getting in their cars as quickly as possible to see how they were. This was once again a very emotional time. All of the tears happy.

Within fifteen minutes, even though it usually takes about thirty, everyone was parking and running into the hospital.

Anne gets to the front desk first as everyone files behind her. "Harry Styles and Niall Horan!" She all but yells, not meaning for it. She's more than happy that her son and Niall are found. She doesn't know Niall's conditions, but hopes they'll be alright.

"One second mam." The lady hurriedly says. She understands and gets this behavior quite a bit. She looks through her computer and types the name 'Harry Styles' to see the conditions and room number. "Yes, Harry Styles is okay. He is in room 201. You may go in to see him, but he might be sleeping. I'll also send the doctor in to better explain his conditions." She says as she turns to them. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief.

"What about Niall Horan? He's my son!? Is he okay?" Bobby quickly asks the lady. She hasn't said anything about him yet. They all waited as she types in his name.

"Um... Niall Horan is still in the emergency room. He's currently undergoing surgery. I'm sorry, I don't know how bad his condition is as of right now. The doctor I will send to Harry's room may fill you in a little more." The lady hesitantly says with sadden eyes. They all look at each other. Worry once again flowing through their bodies.

"Well, let's go see if Harry is awake!" Louis says to break the tension in the air. They all fast walked to the elevator and got in. Once they got to the second floor they walked a little until they saw the number '201' on the side of the door. Anne quickly, but quietly, pushes the door open. There on the bed lies Harry Edward Styles. There weren't very many tubes going into him. Just a couple for his heart rate and fluid to re-hydrate him. They all walk to each sides of the bed to get a better look at the sleeping lad.

"He's going to be okay Li." Louis says, on the verge of tears. "Yes he is Lou." Harry is going to be okay. Just then, a doctor comes in after knocking. He smiles warmly at each person.

*Two hours earlier*

What do I do? Blair thought as the Chief pounded on the door. He needed to think fast. Either kill them and be charged with kidnapping and murder or be charged with just kidnapping. Or...I can make a deal to help me escape. Yeah, I'll do that.

Just as Blair thought of his plan the door upstairs burst open. The door only hanging from one hinge as the others were torn off. Many police officers filed in after the Chief in search of both the victim popstars and the culprit who kidnapped the poor boys.

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