"I'm Home."

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"I will always come back to you

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"I will always come back to you."


Shots of Delusions: Chapter 22


"South Korea is a beautiful place."

A red haired lady takes off her sun glasses, dropping down into the amusement park while her eyes wandered against the city lights dancing away from the place.

Her eyes were wide in amusement, loving the way the place enlightens her sad heart.

She was twirling, alone in the place. She was buying tickets for rides she couldn't even understand why she need to ride into. Even her fear for height wasn't reaching, she just wanted to savor the night in order to forget her incoming problems for the next day.


She was marching all alone, being insecure of the people having their own group of friends.

Until she saw someone alone as well.

He was wearing ripped skinny jeans, while the fabric perfectly hugged his thighs. He was wearing plain white shirt, tucked inside the pants while she sees how lean his body was. He was wearing a metal necklace as well.

He somehow looks like someone with the same situation as hers.

Loneliness and the feel of wanting to be alone.

She breathes a little, shivers went down her spine as soon as they both passed against each other. He wasn't even batting an eyelash at her direction.

But she may admit that he looks a pretty handsome just to be alone.

Well, he might just be waiting for his girlfriend. A sigh escaped her lips, she was pursing her lips while sulking alone.

It was her turn to ride in the roller coaster, shaking her hands off as she skipped up and down. She was about to sit, occupying the two lonely seats in the ride- not until someone sat beside her.

Her eyes widen in surprise, it was him.

His bored eyes were straight into the direction. She was mezmerized by his tall nose and plump lips. His black hair that was covering half of his eyes were cool enough to attract her.

It was like she was drooling over him.

It was until he looks back at her. Her eyes widen, looking away. She heard him chuckle, muttering. "Was it surprising?", "H-huh?" She was stuttering. Holy crap, he's cute. She was still in the pool of her own little world, shaking her head only to hear him mutter. "There's a lot of people who wants to ride in this, I can't seat infront of you- being too selfish." He murmured.

She nodded shyly, mumbling. "Well, yeah. It's fine for me, but- you have to bear with my screams since it's a ro-" She was cut off by his cute laugh, nodding. "That's fine."

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