HEY!Watch where you are going would ya!''Cameron said''.OMG I am so sorry!"I said".Its OK I guess I was a little rude."Cam said ".Maybe just a little lol!" I said".Maybe I can get your number so we can talk a little more."Cam said".Sure my number is.....257-894-2568."I said".OK and your name is Carlee right?"cam said".Yes it is."I said".OK well school is over so I got to go."I said".OK I'll text you later."cam said".
*Carlee=me c=Cameron*
C:hey it is Cameron
Carlee:hey wyd
C:nothin u
*summer vacation*
Hey Carlee over here!"Cam said".Hey Cam how are you?"I said".Good and you?"Cam said".I'm doing good."I said".That's good."Cam said".