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As I walk though the doors of my new school, I keep my head low. It's my senior year, and I'm hoping that it goes by quickly so I can get out of here. Everything about school in general bothers me, from the fake people and overly peppy teachers to the high standards and ridiculous tests.

Everyone's attention turns to me as I walked down the hallway. I've always hated attention and right now it's just adding on to my nerves. I wonder what they're all thinking.

I tighten my grip on my books and quicken my pace, hurrying to my locker. I look up quickly to see a group of boys with tattoo covered arms and piercings across the hall, of course one of them seems to be focused on me. Not my usual type, but I'll admit that this one is pretty attractive.

I look back down, feeling my cheeks begin to heat up. I've never gotten that kind of attention before. At my old school, everyone used to either push me around and be bullies, or ignore me. I honestly preferred being ignored, at least then I didn't have to listen to their harsh words.

Hopefully, this year will be different. I'm sure most of the people at this school know my older sister, Lexi. I guess she was pretty popular here. I don't really care about popularity, but I would like to have friends who actually have an interest in me.

I open my locker and shove my bag into it, grabbing my books for first period. I shut my locker and jump slightly, noticing the boy from across the hall leaning on the locker next to mine.

"Hi.." I say quietly, confused as to why he was standing there.

"Hey." He smiles at me, his bright blue eyes sparkling. "I'm Louis."

"I'm Grace." I force a small smile, my nerves calming at the thought that I may actually make a friend on my first day. I notice him looking me up and down again and shift uncomfortably, biting down on my lower lip. He must have noticed because he stopped immediately.

"Sorry, just looking. I'm not gonna do anything, I'm not like that." He changes the subject quickly. "You're new here right?" I nod. "Good luck here, you may need it." What's that supposed to mean?

"Thanks.." Is all I say. Class starts in a few minutes, I should start walking now so I can find my way and be on time.

"Sorry, that came out worse than I thought it would. I know from experience that it can be hard for a new kid to fit in. Do you know where you're going?" Louis asks, as if he could read my mind. I quickly shake my head and he asks for my schedule, which he reads carefully. "You could just walk with me, we actually have the same classes." He smiles and begins to walk.

Now that I think about it, I feel like I've heard about this boy before. Lexi's boyfriend Harry hangs out with a guy named Louis, and he definitely fits how Harry has described him. I actually can't imagine Harry being friends with these people, they're all so different than him.

I follow Louis down the hallway and look around, seeing a few people watching us. The school day has just started and I've had probably half the students stare at me. I'm sure they're wondering why 'little miss perfect' is walking down the hall with the bad boy. I'm no little miss perfect, but I'm definitely not 'bad.'

He looks back at me and smiles, his eyes lighting up. They're so bright and full of life, and he seems like such a nice guy. Unless he's just being nice to me, I doubt it though. His voice interrupts my thoughts.

"Did you hear me?" He asks.

"No, sorry. What did you say?" He laughs lightly.

"We're here."

"Oh, thank you for walking with me. I probably would have gotten lost walking alone." I smile slightly.

"It's fine, I had to come this way anyway, remember? Besides, no one should have to find their way around here alone, this school is huge!" He's right, this school is much bigger than my old one. At least I have someone to go from class to class with.

We walk in and he goes straight to the back with me following him. I wouldn't usually sit in the back, but I don't want to sit alone and certainly don't want even more attention on me.

I sit next to Louis and lean back in my seat. The classroom fills up pretty quickly, I figured everyone would be late to their first day of class. About a minute later, the teacher walks in, introducing herself and goes over the guidelines of the class. I try to pay attention as best as I can, but my thoughts get in the way.

Why did Louis come over to me when he could have stayed with his friends? There's other people that are new today, why did he choose me? It seemed like he couldn't keep his eyes off me when I walked in, does he like me? I doubt that's what it is, but you never know.

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