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I quickly push the door closed, or at least attempt to. I would have been successful if Aaron's foot wasn't shoved in front of the door.

"Nice try." He says, pushing the door open.

"What do you want?" I ask, backing up.

"Hello to you too." He smirks, inviting himself in.

Each step I take back is another step he takes toward me. I just want to get as far away from him as possible. I'm amazed that I haven't fell yet.

"You lied to me, you told me that you would come over here and instead you were with another girl."

"What I do with other people is none of your business. I will sleep with whoever I want whenever I want, and if you have a problem with it, then suck it up, sweetie. Maybe if you weren't so damn innocent, you would've gotten your chance." I almost laughed when he said that. His hands grabbed my arms and shoved me into the wall.

"First of all, I'm far from innocent. Nowhere close to being the perfect, innocent little girl you think I am. Second, I wouldn't take my chance to sleep with you if you were the last man on Earth. I'd rather die." I look down, trying to avoid his stare, but one of his hands reaches up and pushes my chin up, forcing me to look at him.

"I can arrange that. Look at me when you talk." Aaron demands, his eyes burning into mine. Part of me wishes Louis would come running through the door right now and pull Aaron off me, but another wishes that I was strong enough to do it myself.

"You can't tell me that you're not innocent, you couldn't have slept with anyone yet. You probably never will either." He laughs and I cringe at his words. If only he knew.

"What I do with other people is none of your business." I repeat his words to him, which obviously angered him even more because he shoved me against the wall again.

"You slept with him didn't you?"

"It's none of your business." I say again, seeing Louis' face in the doorway. Thank God.

"Yes, it is!" Aaron yells as Louis gets closer. I was about to answer but stopped when I saw Louis pulling Aaron away from me quickly, then moves in front of me. "You can't always be the hero." He glares at Louis, stepping closer once again.

"You're right, but I'll always try my hardest to be her hero." Louis says, and turns to face me. "Go upstairs."

"But I need to-"

"Now!" He yells, and I nod,  hurrying upstairs. As I close my door, I hear crashing below and I can only hope that it's not Aaron hurting Louis.

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