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I wake up with a pounding headache. Last night didn't go as expected, I was supposed to talk to Louis about our relationship, not force him to take me upstairs to bed.

I can't believe I did that, I knew drinking was a bad idea. I almost forgot that I stayed the night at his house, I don't know what I was thinking. If I could change the past, that'd be the first thing to be changed.

School should be fun today. I don't even want to think about how Louis will treat me, I'm sure he'll be asking me what exactly we are right now, but even I don't know. I look in the mirror, hoping I don't look the same way I feel. I really don't want to miss a day of school, but I feel horrible.

I open the door to go outside and hear Louis' voice, which is exactly what I was trying to avoid.

"Leaving so soon?" He stands a few feet away from me, a slight smile on his face. "I was hoping that you'd at least let me drive you to school, you look a bit tired to walk." I sigh and turn around to face him.

"I'm sorry about everything that happened last night, none of it was supposed to happen. I just wanted to talk." He steps closer to me, his lips face just inches away from mine. I swallow thickly and try to push the thoughts forming in my head. I really don't need a repeat of last night.

"I'm perfectly fine with what happened, I just wish you weren't so....drunk." His smile grows slightly. "Get in the car, I'll drive you." I nod and walk outside.

I don't exactly want to do this, but I don't want to argue either. I was hoping we could still stay friends after we broke up, but I can tell that he wants more. I sit down in the passenger seat and lean my head back. He gets in the car and looks over at me, starting the car.

"Are you sure you're feeling good enough to go to school? I wouldn't mind taking care of you if needed."

"No, I wouldn't want to bother you with my needs, but thank you. I just want to get through this day and go home." I say and he nods, starting to drive. I'm glad school is so close to his house, it's not as close to his as it is to mine, but still within walking distance.

When we get there, I don't have a chance to get out of the car before Louis is at my side.

"I'm fine." I groan, starting to walk.

"Grace, stop being so damn stubborn and let me help you. Please." He says and I turn my head to face him. "I don't mind helping you. I'd like to know that you have someone who cares about you to help you out when you need it." I sigh and nod slowly.

"Fine, as long as Aaron doesn't come here, your job will be easy."

"I'll make sure he doesn't come near you. Does his sister count?" He asks, stopping at my locker.

"What?" I follow his gaze to find Aaron's sister, Victoria. Why is it I always have problems with sisters?

"Hello Grace. Louis." She glares towards him. I don't want to get into their personal problems with each other but she doesn't have to make her hate for him so obvious. He doesn't exactly hide his either though.

"What do you want?" I say, leaning against my locker.

"Do you need me to fix this?" Louis whispers into my ear. Obviously not quiet enough to keep Victoria from hearing.

"You need to work on your whispering, it's terrible." She says and looks at me.

"No." I say to Louis and look back at her. "Whatever you two have against each other can you stop so we can have a normal conversation?" She rolls her eyes and continues.

"Although I hate to admit it, you did the wrong thing, leaving my brother. You were good for him, I thought he was finally changing."

"I didn't make the decision, he did when he blew me off to go get with some other girl. Oh wait, it was because he got a 'job opportunity'. Don't accuse me of something I didn't do."

"Whatever. Don't you get it? Aaron's older than you are, of course he doesn't always have time for you. It doesn't mean he was with someone else, maybe he had other plans that he forgot about." She crosses her arms and Louis reaches into his pocket. I heard the girl in the background, does she really think that I'm that stupid?

"Then explain his text to me last night saying that he was 'done with her' and told me to 'have fun'." Louis speaks up, keeping his eyes on Victoria. My eyes widen as I hear what he says.

"I'm sure didn't mean that. He had plans for the two of them that he didn't want her to know about. Why do you think he's focusing on that job? He wants to make sure that they have a good future."

"Don't listen to her, she's feeding you lies. I promise I'll tell you everything later if you give me the chance." Louis says to me and I nod quickly.

"I'm done, Victoria. If there's anything that my previous relationships have given me, it's more strength. I can't let people ruin my life because they have better places to be and other people to be with. Now please, leave." I begin to regret what I said about my past relationships due to the fact that Louis is right next to me, but I push the thought from my mind.

"Fine, but this isn't the last you'll hear from me." She says and walks down the hall. I lean against my locker and look down at the floor.

"You didn't have to be polite and say please to her, she's a bitch. She loves to ruin people's lives." Louis looks down at me.

"I know, but I'm not starting anything. I'm far too tired and hungover to do that right now." I stand up and open my locker. "I'm just happy we have a month left until we get out of this place." I say and look up at him, getting my books out of my locker.

"I finally get to leave, I won't have to hear Wes teasing me about being in school anymore." He laughs softly and I close my locker.

"Don't listen to him, you know he's an ass." A paper slides out of my book as I start to walk.

"I'll see you in class." Louis smiles slightly and walks off.

I thought we were supposed to walk together, but okay. I look down at the paper and open it. It's all crumpled up and the writing is barely readable, but I think I can make it out.

'I wanted to say this to you in person, but didn't know if I should do it or not, so I wrote it. I hope this doesn't bother you or change our friendship, if that's what you could call it. I think that you changed me. I know, so many couples say this all the time, but it's true. Before I met you, I would try my hardest to get close to a girl, bring her home, get drunk, and not remember things the next day. When I saw you, it's like a switch flipped. I felt like I needed to get to know you, which is why I introduced myself immediately on the first day of school. I know we're not together, and I know I have a lot of problems going on, but you help me through them. Everything, no matter what it is. I know you may not believe what I'm saying, but as long as I know that you read this, I'll be happy. You can hate me all you want, I just wanted you to know the truth.'

I think I know the reason he walked away now...

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