
32 1 0

Taken place: High School, Home, Bus,friends house, and in public

Brunette, blue eyes, 5'6, tanish-pale , a little over weight (like three pounds), and is a fucking bitch

Gender: Girl

Age: 16

Boyfriend: Brandon

Brunette, brown eyes, 5'9, tan, healthy, and is a total sweetheart

Gender: Boy

Age: 17

Girlfriend: Alex


Brownish-Blondish hair, green eyes wears glasses, 5'4, pale af, under weight (she weighs 106), and is shy and nice but will be a bitch if necessary or if she is joking around

Gender: Girl

Age: 16


Crush: Brandon

Clair & Emily are Alex's minions and are bitchy whores that bully Erica

Mason is Brandon's only friend they are like brothers but Mason hates Alex he's friends with Erica he can definitely see something between Erica & Brandon

Sophia & Landon are Erica's best friends and are weird as hell and funny but can be scary especially Sophia but Erica considers them as family

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