He and I

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He beat and battered you,
Cracking your bones and breaking your heart,
But make no mistake,
It was his words and his threats that left you bleeding on the floor,
You covered your ears and kneeled on the floor,
Because what choice did you have?

He apologized and brought me flowers,
he told me he'll change, that he's just stressed,
I know he means it, he loves me after all,

He's killing you slowly, cruelly
Laughing at your tears, at your pain
Why can't you see?

I see the way your eyes lit up,
And the way your lips curved up with euphoria,
I know you care, you have to...
But it brings you satisfaction.
What did I do wrong?

I watched as you sat silently with tear streaked cheeks,
Staring aimlessly with no purpose,
Broken and battered,
Your heart leaking blood,
Still you loved him,
And finally it killed you and here I stood useless to help you....

I love him... I love him... I love him

I love you.

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