Class Begin

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(Y/N P.O.V)

I woke up early as I don't want to deal with noisy kids. I got up from my bed and took a quick shower. After I was done showering, I saw the Beacon Uniform on the dresser counter. I found what I wear as I walk out of my room and headed straight to class.

Auburn: Vandheer!

I turn my head to see Auburn and another girl which I think is her teammates or friends. Either way, it does not matter to me.

Auburn: What you did to that Grimm as awesome!

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Auburn: What you did to that Grimm as awesome!

Y/N: I know. I never know there is a Grimm like that out there.

Girl: Well we all do.

Y/N: And you are?

Auburn: This is Tifa! She's my partner when I enter Beacon before you arrive.

Y/N: I see.

Tifa: You on your way to class, right?

Y/N: I am.

Auburn: Then let's go!

See there is no way out of this. I simply sigh and walk with them. We headed to one of Ozpin's lapdog, Peter Port, or something. We are the ones first to arrive at the professor's classroom look at us with a surprise and glam look.

Peter: Welcome! You three are early today.

Tifa: Yes we are, professor Port.

Peter: Vandheer Lorde. What you did to that unknown Grimm was simply incredible! Usually, people run away from unknown Grimm. But not you. You show a true example of a Huntsman. 

Y/N: I'm not interested in becoming a Huntsman. I simply want to show those kids what a true battle is all about.

Peter: I see. May I ask why are you not wearing your uniform?

Y/N: This school design to kill Grimms right? So the Grimms wouldn't care about what you wear as long they kill you. That is why you must be prepared at any time.

Peter: A warrior heart I see! Very well take your seats.

Tifa: Of course, professor Port.

We walk to our seat as I sat down on my seat as I was in the middle of Tifa and Auburn. Why they decide to seat with me. I don't know. We waited for the rest of the students to arrive with Ruby's and Yang's friends being the last one to enter.

The fool Peter continues to tell his story of his life adventures during his youth. Honestly it a waste of my time listening to his story. This school trains the next generation of Huntsman to kill Grimms and they have us listening to this fool's story.

Peter: Who among you believe they have these characteristics.

I sigh as I stood from my seat and walk in front of the class. The whole class was silent. Not that I could blame them. I did kill an unknown Grimm during the initiation test.

Vandheer Lorde Male Reader X RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now