Imperial Force Arrival

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(Auburn P.O.V)

After the fight from what Tifa and I saw as nothing more than a battle of the gods. Something that beyond anyone at Beacon can't do. I started to wonder if we can change the world we living with their power.

Tifa: Are you alright?

I look at Tifa as she giving me a concerned look on her face. Not that I could blame her as I was thinking a lot for a while. Usually, I was happy to go, person. But deep down I was a girl who wants to change this world for the betterment of others.

It's not only me but Tifa and my two other teammates want to change this world as well as we want to what is rights and not what they things is right. I let out a sigh and look at her.

Auburn: I'm fine... I just think the fight the fight between Vandheer and that person.

Tifa nodded as she and the others are amazing at the power they display when they fought. Honestly, they make veteran Huntsman look like children at the fight. We are speechless at that.

Tifa: Have you heard the news about the Empire?

I raise a brown as I given her a confused look on my face.

Auburn: No I haven't.

Tifa: The Empire are sending their military forces in Vale to prevent Grimm's attack and criminal activities. I also heard they are going to send an instructor to help in Beacon to train students.

I suddenly gleam at the thought of the Empire instructor coming here. The Kingdoms are nowhere close to Empire's technology and military power as they surpassed Altas taking the world most powerful Kingdom in Remnant.

The Empire do more good than any of the Kingdom as we watch the news on how they accepted Faunus and Humans in their nation, military, and politics and going against the most dangerous mission with impossible odds. Once more their Emperor is the more powerful and able to crush the most Grimm infesting area.

The doors open up as we saw two our of teammates, Marcus (Wolf Faunus) and Andrew (Smart guy), running in here with panting breath and tired expression like they are running for like a mile.

The doors open up as we saw two our of teammates, Marcus (Wolf Faunus) and Andrew (Smart guy), running in here with panting breath and tired expression like they are running for like a mile

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Vandheer Lorde Male Reader X RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now