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THE COMMON ROOM was almost empty. There were a few lingering students in the dungeon, but most everyone was down at the Qudditch trails. Aubrey had scribbled semi-legible chicken scratch onto a piece of parchment for her Transfiguration class. She looked around the room, sighing softly, growing bored of the same routine. For the last few weeks, she's been going to her classes, getting more acquainted with Harry Potter and his two best friends, doing her homework, and sending owls to her adoptive family and The Dark Lord. It was a slow process getting more friendly with Harry-he was outputting toward the mysterious girl.

Harry felt a strange feeling hovering over Aubrey; she was a missing piece in a jigsaw puzzle.

Aubrey stuffed her books, parchments, and quills into her bag, leaving through the dungeon door. She made her way toward the outside, nearing closer to the Qudditch field, spotting three big hoops standing high into the sky, seeing Gryffindor students zooming across the light blue sky.

She headed up toward the stands, spotting Hermione Granger looking intently at Ron blocking the hoops. Aubrey smirked, knowing this was the perfect time to make friends with the most intelligent witch at Hogwarts.

"Hello, Hermione," Aubrey greeted most pleasantly, sitting beside the girl.

Hermione gave her a friendly smile, before turning her attention to Ron. "So, do you have a thing for Ron?" Aubrey asked, her eyebrows raising up.

The intelligent witch blushed in embarrassment, her cheeks tinting red. "That obvious, huh?" Aubrey smirked in amusement, nodding her head.

"I think everyone at Hogwarts can see how much you both fancy each other," Aubrey claimed, her eyes locked on Harry, who was on his broomstick in the sky, watching the student's performances.

Hermione blushed even more, ignoring the brunette's truthful statement. "Come on Ron!" The witch shouted, seeing Ron struggle to get a bludger into one of the hoops, guarded by Cormac McLaggen."Confundus," Hermione whispered, as Cormac was forcibly moved to one side, allowing Ron to score the bludger into a hoop.

The Gryffindor students cheered in triumph, turning the nasty Slytherin's chant, 'Weasley is our king' to a much more positive cheer. Aubrey sniggered, hearing the charm come out of Hermione's mouth. Hermione smiled guiltily under the brunette's glaze. "I think we're going to be great friends, Hermione."

"Why so?" Hermione curiously asked, her brows frowning.

Aubrey bit the inside of her cheek, she started feeling sentimental. She instantly regretted her decision of sitting beside the witch. "I grew up not really having any friends. And if I did have people I hung around, it was always guys. It's just nice I might have a friend that's a girl..." The brunette trailed off, her lips twisting into a flat-line-she felt a strange feeling of warmth and friendship feeling her body.

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