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24th November 2005 

The police started to go threw Bella's room finding a small black diary so detective John opened it while finding blood on the pages with a small pocket knife hiding under her bed john said to the sheriff "this is evidence where's the evidence bag ?" the sheriff gave the detective a bag and signed it off as he kept on searching he stumbled past a trinket box but it was under looking key he asked Bella's parents but they said "they had never seen it before" the detective said "do you have any idea where she got this from?" they shock their head no so detective had it sent to the lab for testing the lab results came back there was small fragments of soil on the box it was like it had been buried underground for awhile.

there were still no evidence to explain her disappearance but that same night the two boys James and Beau had a sleepover to talk more about what happened to Bella once James went to Beaus for the night they talked and talked but something strange had happened it was silent like there were nobody living there so Beau went out into the hallway nothing but there were small tracks leading to the kitchen so Beau followed the tracks stopped an then he found his mum hanging from the roof and his dad found dead on the floor James yelled out to Beau because he had been gone for a long time no answer James began to get frightened so he swallowed hard and went out to the kitchen as he heard small steps coming towards him so James stopped and he felt a silent breath near his face then he got dragged into the bedroom....

Beaus parents had family friends knocking on the door " knock knock" nothing so they opened the door but felt as if something was wrong and walked down to the kitchen and saw blood trails while seeing them dead so she screamed in terror and ran along with her husband and called the police the detectives took their statements but the detective started looking confused as he walked into the bedroom seeing a message in blood on the wall saying "they lied and now they payed the price" while seeing James sitting agent the wall with torn skin but not breathing while detective john looked confused to why the message said what it said   

Detective john went to the next door an asked if they heard screaming on the night but they heard nothing while the sheriff department were helping the detective's by trying to put it together but it started to get confused as there had been no evidence to the killing's.   

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