57 ° Who Knows

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I feel where Dez is coming from. Because we both literally care about Dez. Me and Kris has talked about her for ever. We just didn't know that she felt this way what so ever.

Dez laid down as me and Kris left the room.

"I feel bad for leaving her in there after she just like poured her heart to us!" I said

"I do to!" Kris held my hand

We both turned back around and walked back into out guest room .

"Dez!" I knocked on the door

"Yeah" she said opening the door

"Can we sleep with you?" I asked

"This is y'all house and y'all bed!" She said

"True" Kris said

"Shut up" I said

I grabbed Dez hand and I led her to the bed. We all kinda just laid down. Kris was behind me and Dez was in front of me. Kris fell asleep first.

"She snores so loud" Dez laughed

"Every night!" I replied

"Yeah! It's just like this feeling I got is weird" she said

"Well, Dez if you wanna leave you can leave! If you wanna stay you can stay! I'm not saying this will be a relationship because I love Kris, we do genuinely care about and love you!" I said

"And that's why it's weird, I'm in love with a married couple who's been fucking the shit outta me for years!" She laughed

"I mean well, it is nice!" I played with her hand

"Yeah, good times!" She laughed

I felt Kris hand creeping up my thighs, and she knows we not having sex no matter how fucking bad I want to. I pinched her hand

"Ugh, not right at all. Can I at least just feel it?" She sat up

"Feel what?" Dez asked

"Ash won't let me get nun!" Kris pushed her pelvis on my butt

"Eww Kris get out" Dez laughed

"Y'all ain't right, it's cool though I'mma go take a bath, with the Jets on!" Kris got up

"Love you too baby!" I laughed

"Hahaha" she walked out

"She is a trip, what are y'all going to do about metro and Courtney?" She asked

"I don't know,. Kris says she gonna take care of Courtney and blah blah, but this metro fellow he got another thing coming!" I smiled

"Look don't worry about them! You get some sleep, and take your medicine okay!" I said getting up

"Thanks Ash" she said

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