Chapter 12

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Kellin's POV:
Ever since I had turned eighteen, I had been begging Vic for him to take me clubbing. I know I wasn't actually allowed to drink, and I know I won't be let in on most places. But I also know that there are clubs that would let me in if I am in the company of my older boyfriend.

Up until now, he had been refusing strictly to take me with him. He both thought that I shouldn't be drinking, and that I shouldn't be in that kind of environment. Actually, the drinking part isn't what I'm looking for. It's not something I'm interested in trying. What I want to do is just to go clubbing. To get to dance with my boyfriend in the kind of environment I suppose there will be.

And even though Vic had been saying no every time I had asked him to begin with, sometimes barely letting me finish the sentence, he had now agreed. After a while he had started to become less hostile against the idea and eventually just sighed and said 'Fine, I'll take you out to a club babe,' with an eye roll as I happily skipped over to him and pressed my lips to his. Though he hadn't agreed to do so without getting something from me, that something being that he pushed a string with anal beads into me before letting me get dressed for going there.

Now we're on our way to a club, going there by foot. I'm not sure where it is, if Vic even knows exactly which one he'll be taking me to or not. Maybe we'll just take the first one we find. Anyhow, I'm happy about it.

Vic's holding my hand as we're walking down the sidewalk, keeping me close to him as I am walking with a small bounce in my step almost, being overly excited about this.


The second I place foot in the club, I get a rush of adrenaline as I'm met with the energy in here. I do a little jump before dragging Vic in to the club with me before he even has the chance to stop me.

I try going straight to the big dance floor but Vic stops me, pulling me over to one of the few empty booths where no couple was sitting and making out, or going even further. He pushes me down, sitting down next to me with his arm around my shoulder before leaning in close to my ear so I can hear what he says.

"I'm getting us something to drink, wait here for me baby boy." I only nod in agreement and Vic goes off to the middle of the club where the bar is to get us both something to drink.

I sit by myself for a while, looking around the space in here with a small smile playing on my lips. I like it here. I get pulled out of it as I notice someone suddenly sitting down next to me, finding three guys in their twenties sitting in the same booth as me all of sudden.

They all look at me in a way that is easy to read, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out that they are all interested in me in some way. I feel a blush spreading on my cheeks because of this, not knowing how to react. Should I say something?

I mean, my boyfriend is literally across the room ordering something for us to drink. And I am probably close to ten years younger than them.. okay maybe that's not what matters here considering I am so compared to my boyfriend as well.

"Tell me," the man sitting next to me begins to say, moving even closer to me. "Why is a pretty boy like yourself sitting all alone in a place like this." He moves his hand in a circular motion around the club, and I take it all in, realizing now just how sexual things are in here. In just a few seconds I manage to spot at least three couples having sex in here.

His movement with his hand ends with him slinging his arm around my shoulders, taking me by surprise and causing my words to come out messy with a clear showing of me being nervous.

"I'm, uh I'm not actually alone, my boyfriend's over at the bar ordering drinks for us, and um.." The man barely seems to listen to what I'm saying as he has gone as far as to put his hand on my thigh, moving it over my leg.

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