Chapter 23

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Kellin's POV:
As we had gone to bed last night I wasn't able to stop tossing and turning, thinking of the conversation I had with Vic. I thought he had already fallen asleep but turned out to be wrong about this as he had turned to me and hugged me close to him, wondering what my moving around was all about.

I hadn't dared to tell him though, making up a lie about me being too warm and having to use the bathroom. I hated lying to my boyfriend, as that is what I feel like I've done. But I cannot talk to him about this either, not yet at least. I haven't honestly been thinking about the topic of my well being for a really long time up until he brought it up last night. I'm not going to blame him for it, as I know Vic only brought it up because he cares about me.

Vic is still asleep next to me in bed. I've been awake for probably half an hour or so now, pondering whether I should bring this up with him again or not. But as his eyes start to flutter open, making me know he's about to wake up I chicken out and decide to go for the easiest option instead, which right now is to pretend still being asleep.

I lay my head down on his chest again, taking heavy breaths to make it seem like I am sleeping. I feel how Vic moves around a bit under me but I keep pretending to sleep, just enjoying to lie on top of his shirtless body.

I feel him trailing his hand up my thigh as he starts to wake up more and more and eventually I feel him pressing a kiss to my neck. I act as if this is what wakes me up, giving a pretty believable act if I can say so myself.

I look down at Vic from where I am literally lying right on top of him, our legs tangled together. He gives me a smile and leans in for a kiss that I respond to. I untangle my legs from his, instead positioning my legs on either side of Vic as I straddle him. Doing so I can feel a slight problem that has formed in his pants during the night, making me giggle into the kiss so much that it's ruined.

Vic breaks the kiss, looking up at me as I bite my lip in a failed attempt to hold back a teasing grin. He gives me a non impressed look before pushing me off his lap, though doing so rather gently before getting up from the bed.

"Daddy, where are you going?" I whine, giving Vic a pout as he turns to look at me.

He pulls a shirt over his head before facing me and answering my question. "Up. For breakfast, are you joining me?"

"Yes," I huff, not bothering to hide my disappointment about the fact that Vic didn't want to stay in bed and fool around with me this morning. I get out of bed as well, stealing some comfy clothes from Vic instead of using my own. His are oversized on me and they're warmer than mine, and it was really chilly being out of bed and the warmth from the bedsheets.

I join my boyfriend in the kitchen where he had already begun making breakfast for us both as I walked in. I wrap my arms around Vic's waist from behind, burying my face against his back.

"Having fun back there?" Vic asks me with a teasing voice.

"Shut up.." I mutter at him, pulling away from the hug. He turns around to face me, seeing how I'm looking at him grumpily. Vic coos at me and wraps his arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug as I whine at him.

"Oh come on darling, don't be so grumpy with me!" Vic asks of me after a while.

"I'll try," is my only response before I start to help him out with the breakfastmaking.


"But why do you have to be so healthy?" I whine, dragging out the y in healthy.

As we've eaten breakfast, Vic wants to go out for a run. Meanwhile, I want him to stay with me in the apartment, head back to the bedroom and fool around with me. It was still bothering me, the topic that was brought up last night. And even if I know it probably isn't the best thing to do, I'm pushing it away. I don't have the energy to deal with it right now, preferring to only ignore the issue. I know it isn't the healthy way to cope with it, but it's how I choose to deal with it right now.

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