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As Billy and Taylor walked into school together all eyes found their way onto them. People were shocked at what they were seeing. It wasn't because Billy had a girl next to him though. It was because no one would have ever thought she'd waste time with him. Taylor never really talked to any other guys besides her friends, she never showed interest. Everyone was took by surprise but soon they recovered from their shock and the gossiping began.

Throughout the rest of the day Taylor heard many rumors but ignored them all. She received envious and jealous glares from many girls, and lustful looks from the boys. She was oblivious to this though. She just continued talking to her friends.

Billy however, noticed the looks she was given, the lustful ones. He was beyond mad about the males wandering eyes. He even had to get violent with a few. Billy didn't want anyone else looking at her like that, and he was going to do everything he could to stop it.

"Hey, dip shit. What are you looking at." Billy angrily called out to one of the guys that had their eyes planted on Taylor.

"Just admiring the legs on that bitch you walked in with. Tell me man how'd you get her in bed?" The brown haired teen laughed out sourly.

For Billy this was the last straw. He couldn't take it anymore. They were looking at HIS girl. They were talking about HIS girl. And no one was going to get away with it. Billy slammed the teen into the lockers and held him by his collar. It was the end of the day and he was so fed up with everyone.

"Don't you ever look or speak about her again. She is mine!" Billy spat in the kids face before dropping him and turning around to the crowd that had formed. "That goes for all of you. Taylor is MY girl and if any of you so much as thinks about her your dead. Any of you touch her your DEAD!"

Billy seethed in anger as the crowd were backing away in fear. He thought what he was doing was right until he saw someone pushing through the crowd. Her red hair made her stand out along with the path people were clearing for her. Taylor rushed out the building after Billy's speech and he knew he did wrong.

He thought about following her but he decided she just needed to cool off. She was probably just embarrassed or something. He walked to the gym for basketball practice and just brushed Taylor's most likely anger off.


After basketball practice Billy showered and then headed out to his car. He noticed how Steve was angrier today while playing and taunted him more. He didn't care about all that though he just wanted to drop Max off and head over to Taylor's.

Billy dropped off Max at their home and then drove to Taylor's house. Along the way he picked up some flowers out of some random person garden before pulling into her drive way. He checked himself in the mirror, making sure he looked good. He unbuttoned his shirt a bit leaving room to show his hard earned pecks. He walked up to the door and knocked.

When Taylor heard the knock she already knew who it was. She was pretty sure half the town knew who it was by the sound of his Camaro. She ignored the knock, already pissed off that he had the balls to show up after what he did in the hallway in school.

She waited for him to go away but another knock sounded, and another. She got up from her spot on the couch and opened the door to reveal a smirking Billy with her neighbors precious tulips. She slammed the door shut, hoping he'd get the message. But then again he is Billy and continued knocking.

Taylor swung the door open again with a death glare plastered on. She looked at Billy and the tulips before once again, slamming the door shut. This time though, Billy stopped it and walked inside.

"What's wrong sweet cheeks?" Billy grinned seductively.

"What's wrong is your a crazy person. I've been nothing but nice to you and then you embarrass me in front of the entire school. You tried saying I was yours, are you a psycho because that's not something you just do!" Taylor shouted loudly. Billy was shocked at her outburst and grew angry that she was screaming at him.

"I saved your ass from all those horny boys! And I'm not going to let someone look at you! You are my girl! MY GIRLFRIEND! Their not gonna look at you like that your MINE!" Billy seethed as he stepped closer. He expected her to be trembling in fear but she stood her ground.

"No one was even looking at me! And if they were than I didn't notice! Your crazy if you think I'm just gonna be your girl!" Taylor screamed in anger stepping even closer so they were practically inches apart.

"You will be my girl! I've never felt this way about any other girl and I don't know why your so damn difficult! Why don't you wanna be my girlfriend? I've asked you on dates and everything I even brought you flowers!" Billy spat angrily and if possible they stepped even closer holding their grounds.

"Your crazy! Oh my god what is your problem?! Ugh!" She screamed.

And for a moment they just looked in each other's eyes. Both still flushed red from the anger they felt seconds ago. They looked in each other's eyes before Billy leaned in and kissed her with anger and passion. She quickly responded and it's like they felt warmth in each other's embrace.

Sweet Cheeks • Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now