Huang Xue the Genral

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Song of Divination
I live upstream and you downstream,
From night to night of you I dream.
Unlike the stream you are not in view,
Though both we drink from River Blue.
When will the river no more flow?
When will my grief no more grow?
I wish your heart will be like mine,
Then not in vain for you I pine.
~~Li Zhiyi
    Lánhuā looks away from the general trying to control his blush. He takes in a quick but deep breath then turns to face him but surprisingly Huang Xue stands before him, he looks down at the blushing male and smiles internally. Lánhuā waits for Huang to say something nervous on what he's possibly found in his room.
     "How do you have paintings by Méihuā?" He ask him causing him to go pale.
    'Dang it I hoped he didn't know wouldn't recognize those paintings' he thought to himself as he quickly tried to come up with a lie.
     "Th-they are a close friend of mine, she comes by every now and then and gives me some of her work that she doesn't like." He laughs nervously causing Huang to raise an eyebrow, knowing full well the Lánhuā was lying he decided to just roll with it so he could gain his trust because he could not allow such a beauty to get away from him.
    "So when shall she come by again? I would love to meet her." He says as he passes by Lánhuā.
     "I don't she just drops by every now and then. So how about we go eat?." He says with urgency and attempts to distract Huang from focusing on Méihuā. He quickly makes his way to the table and sets it up for both of them, silence filled the air as the two ate. Lánhuā kept occasionally looking up at Huang for he was still taken by his handsomeness.
     "Yībān, come-" he began to ask when he is cut off.
"Huang, you can call me Huang. There is no need to be so formal all the time." He says kindly with a smile then goes back to eating.
"O-ok, Huang how come you hide your face?" He ask cause the general to look up and sigh.
"My face is not the most intimidating in battle don't you think?" He raises an eyebrow as his eyes stare straight into Lánhuā's causing him to blush.
"See? Even when I'm trying not to be intimidating I cause men to blush before me." He states as he stands up.
"I think I shall go retire for today, I've haven't rested fully for days and I would like to get a proper nights sleep." He bows respectively and turns to head towards his room.
"Thank you for the meal Lánhuā, it was delicious. Goodnight." He continues walking until he disappears behind the wall separating the rooms. Lánhuā sighs and goes to clean up, he exits his home and goes to feed Huang's horse. Afterwards he looks up to the star night sky, his breath is taken away by how beautiful it was.
"The night sky is so beautiful......I must go paint it!" He runs inside and grabs his supplies but pauses.
'How am I going to get a good view of the sky...?...wait?' He smiles to himself as he takes his supplies and some rope.
Lánhuā now stands before his home with a rope in his hand tied in a loop, he begins to swing it around until he cast it up to apart of the roof that branches out and up into the sky. Climbing up he smiles to himself on how clever he was, finally reaching the roof he crawls carefully to the side of the roof that had a clear view of the sky. He quickly starts to paint the sky each brush stroke capturing each twinkling star, his new technique and use of paint made the illusion that he had snatched the stars from the sky and had thrown them onto his art. Once he finished he smiled to himself.

 Once he finished he smiled to himself

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It was truly did look like the night sky. He was extremely proud of himself, unkownst to him Huang was spying on him. He was sitting on the other side of the roof watching the young male as he painted. His dainty hands guiding the brush to do his bidding, he wondered to himself how those soft hands will fill on his skin. The moonlight showed down illuminating the young males beauty his unblemished pale skin to his hair as dark as ravens feathers.
      "He would suite anyone quite nicely as a bride." He whispers to himself.
        Shortly after finishing his painting Lánhuā decides to climb down from the roof the same way he came up but while he was climbing down the rope snapped and he fell, closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around his painting he waited to hear the sound of his body hitting the ground. But he never hit the ground, he felt himself being embraced in someone's arms, his face turned into there chest he could feel there skin emitting heat. He cracked open one of his closed eyes to see who had caught him, his eyes both widen as he sees the handsome yet worried face of Huang Xue.
    "H-H-Huang Xue y-you caught me?" His voice shows hints of nervousness as a blush slowly formed on his face from embarrassment but also another strange feeling he had yet to identify.
     'Oh Gods help me save myself from this handsome man...' he thinks to himself when he notices Husng Xue trying to say something.
      "Wh-What?" He ask shyly as Huang sighs.
        "Are you ok? You sort of zoned out shortly after I caught." He states with a calm look but with slight annoyance in his eyes.
         "Oh yes I'm fine th-thank you for catching me....ssoo can you put me down, please?" He ask trying to regain his confidence.
        "I can not you have a cut on your hand we need to clean it and wrap it." He states as he begins to carry Lánhuā inside.
"I-I can do it myself just fine Huang Xue." Lánhuā attempts to get out of Huang Xue's grasp but fails, he sighs and allows him to carry him inside.
'This is going to be a long week...' He thinks to himself as they enter his home.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2018 ⏰

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