Chapter 15

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I'm skipping over the Calvary Battle cause I kind of didn't wanna write it cause I had no ideas for it. So yeah enjoy after I was gone for like 300 weeks.


"YOU HAVE ALL MADE IT INTO THE FINAL ROUNDS!" All Might screamed into the mic, causing (Y/n) and everyone around her to cringe at the noise," THIS MEANS YOU WILL BE ABLE TO FIGHT FOR FIRST PLACE! YOU WILL BE PUT INTO A BRACKET AND WILL FIGHT YOUR WAY UP!"

(Y/n) searched for her name on the bracket and let out a breath of relief when she saw she was fighting last.

"Oh you're so lucky (Y/n)-chan, you only have to go against a general-ed class student," Uraraka started from next to her," I have to go against Bakugo."

"I mean I don't know who 'Fujihara Lily' is, she could be pretty powerful," (Y/n) smiled at Uraraka," I'll watch your match, but I'm gonna meet up with my mom first."

(Y/n) waved a 'good luck' to Deku and then started to walk towards her mother who was once again surrounded by heros.

"(Y/N)!" Kitagawa exclaimed happily after she tore her attention away from Kamui Woods and Mt. Lady.

"Mom!" (Y/n) hugged the older woman," Thank God I found you, I thought I was gonna be lost forever!"

"(Y/n) you did really well for the first two rounds!" Mt. Lady exclaimed while throwing her arm over (Y/n)'s shoulders," When you want, you should join my company as an intern!"

"Actually (Y/n)," Kamui interrupted Mt. Lady by pushing her off (Y/n)," You should think about joining my company, think about it. Earth and nature works good together."

"Uh yeah!" (Y/n) smiled at the pro-heroes," But I have to make it through this round first! I don't really know who the person I'm fighting against is, but I hope I can beat her!"

"I think you'll do fine!" Kitagawa exclaimed," You did good enough, your father would be so proud."

"Thanks Mom," (Y/n) said, waving to Kirishima who had spotted her from a few feet away.

The red haired boy jogged over to her," (Y/n)! Uraraka told me to run over to tell you that your match got switched! You're going after her, so you won't be able to watch. You have to go down by the entrance and be ready to fight."

"Wh-What?!?" (Y/n) stuttered out," What do you mean they got switched?"

"A few people dropped out of this round because they didn't feel 'worthy' enough to fight because of things that happened in the battle," Kirishima explained.

"Oh I guess I have to go..." (Y/n) hugged her mother before starting to walk side-by-side with the boy.

The trip towards the bottom was mostly silent, sometimes someone would pass by the duo and say hi or Kirishima would say something to try to cheer the girl up.

"Move bubbly-girl," Bakugo shoved past (Y/n)," Don't be so dumb, of course you'll beat a general-ed student."

(Y/n) stared at Bakugo's back as he started walking towards the opening of the stadium," Thanks, loser!"

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME YOU LITTLE SHIT?" Bakugo turned around quickly and flicked her on her forehead.

"Ow!" (Y/n) exclaimed, but smiled nonetheless," Good luck Baka-hoe!"

"I'll kill you later," Bakugo glared at her as he walked out.

"Young (Y/n) it's your turn to go out now!" All Might exclaimed," Go fight as a hero!"

"Shut up you're annoying," (Y/n) glared at him before walking out to the middle of the stadium.

"Let's have a fair fight," Midnight said to the two girls," One of the faculty members will step in if one of the members goes too out of hand. A person will win if the other is unconscious, gives up, or is pushed out of bounds."

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