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Written by the friend I talk about on my bio, whom we'll call Peek.
The following is all from him, I (the owner of the account) am merery publishing his work, with his approval. Enjoy!



This fanfiction takes place after the events of S4 EP20 "Patriot Games", after Brian pushed Stewie in front of a moving bus. I imagined Stewie being hospitalized after suffering from various injuries such as a broken arm and leg, therefore he has to stay in bed and let the family take care of him.

Please take note that English isn't my first language so don't be too harsh if I made some mistakes; in case there are any though, you are more than welcome to let me know.


The mother patiently lifted his tiny arm, carefully making sure her grasp didn't cause any harm, and removed the patch afterwards.

"Aw! That one big bruise is almost gone! Just let me go downstairs and grab a few more of these..."

Lois let go of his harm and it was only then that he drew his hand in a fist.

"You filthy whore! How DARE you even look at my good hand while there's a broken one right HERE!" he thought as he clenched his teeth.

He felt a lot of jaw pain because of a dislocation.

He heard the footsteps getting further and further. Oh, finally he was all by himself. In his own bed. In his own, comfy room.

She hated her when she acted like she was the best nurse in the world: all she did consisted of meddling between him and Brian since that incident happened, getting shook by seeing all the scratches and the bruises on his baby body and, of course, all that smooch smooch stuff she oh so loved. She said those were meant to make him feel better.

She even forgot to bring him Rupert the day he had been hospitalized, what a bitch.

Lois took the patches box from her cabinet and went out of the bathroom. She passed through the living room and couldn't help but notice how detached and untalkative the dog was being. He was just chilling, writing down on a piece of paper wearing headphones.
"Brian! Why are you being so cool about the whole damn thing? Stewie is in great pain and the fault is yours!" she lamented.

The dog turned his music off but didn't make a single move.

"That's...his fault, Lois" he murmured.

"And after all, he let me do that by his own request"

The woman didn't even think of a proper answer: she just started to cuss a lot and complain about her role in the family. He didn't even pay attention to her. He had better things to do.

But deep down, he knew something just felt wrong: he had acted ill, and of course he took revenge on Stewie but that was...just not his manner of settling things down.

"You should go upstairs and apologize to him!" the woman shouted angrily.

But just why did Stewie act like a jerk in the first place? He thought they were friends but then he just savagely beat him until he got those damn 15 dollars.

Brian got up from the couch and took a quick glance at the woman.

"You know what? I'm gonna do it" he said detachedly.

"Do it right now?" Lois responded, seemingly calming down after all that buzz.

"Yeah, I am gonna go check up on him to see if everything's alright and say sorry" he muttered as he slowly headed towards the stairs.

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