so I confess my 💫

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🎶Walking - Suran🎶

Today, I'm waiting in front of Jungkook's house. Not really in front of it. I see Jungkook sits at the stair putting his shoes on his legs.

Oh he's so handsome. I can't help but melting ..


He walk to his locker so I walk to mine. I grab History books and quietly follow him. We go to the class together. I can't help but smiling.

And also, I forget to mention that I sat beside him in class.  My life is full with sunshines and rainbows. I'm really happy.

He often teaches me about something I knew byt I pretend to not know because who want to lose this great opportunity?

I stare at his soft face and when he asks me if I understood or not, I nod because I understood it at the first place.

I also purposely didn't bring my pen case so I will borrow his. Sometimes, I stole his to keep it in my 'Jungkook's Souvenirs'.

His smell is addictive. His hair is soft.


Now, it's english subject. I see Jungkook is sleeping soundly beside me. His arm is on the table while his head is on his arm.

And his head is facing me. I can't lose this awesome opportunity so I decide to poke his cheek.


When I'm walking home, I walk behind Jungkook. He's walking with his friends. I don't know what are they talking ahout because my mind is focusing to Jungkook.

They walk him home and wave their hand to Jungkook.



a/n 🌚;

I'm sorry if this is boring since I wrote these at 2am.Now is 2:30am.

Thanks for reading btw!



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