Hardcore Team Deathmatch

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When Sami and I got to my house she unloaded her stuff into her specified drawer and laid down on her bed, while I setup the Xbox. Yes she has a bed and a dresser drawer at my house.) I handed her the 1st player controller and popped in Black Ops 2.

"Let's kick some ass!" Sami exclaimed.

The first map we played was Nuketown 2015 hardcore team deathmatch. I had my handy dandy XPR-50 with dual band scope and Sami had her peacekeeper, no attachments but her weaponized 115 green color camo. That game I pulled a 27-4 and Sami a 20-6. We were feeling pretty good, especially when Sancio asked us to join a party. See I am I was pretty sure Sami had a crush on him, but I think he had a crush on me, but I wouldn't tell her that. We all talked and played for a while, that is until this other dude joined the party. ( Now a little anecdote, Sami absolutely HATES it when someone joins without her permission like she will cuss them out and then kick them.) So when this dude warkingdrab entered she went into rage mode.

"Sami chill he could just be one of Sancio's friends."

"I don't give a damn , he shouldn't join when I don't know him!"

See she just can not stand it.

Then the new guy did it (Sancio is just silent at this point) "Damn what did I do? Rape someone?"

It took all of about 2 seconds for Sami to hit the "leave party" button. Then because she was really sensitive to that subject she goes and leaves the room. That was when I got the invite back to the party. So being the nice person I am; I clicked accept."Dude that was NOT cool!" ( I said I clicked accept not that I wasn't going to be mad. "I know and I am sorry, I forget some people are sensitive to that subject and with the way she reacted, she must be really sensitive." His voice to put it gingerly sounded like one of those severely overweight gamers with way too much acne that it can not be acceptable. Now I am not the best looking thing on this planet, but he sounded just horrid. So I did not feel like flirting, as a matter of fact I blatantly insulted him, but he persisted. In a 3 hour time span , I had gone from absolutely hating him to him being a good friend. I even helped him with his homework that night.

So by the end of the night ( he had to get off at 9) he had given me his information to find him on Facebook.His name was Edwin Little.

I decided to wait until the next day to find him, because I was beat. I went into mine and Sami's room and went to sleep watching The Syndicate Project - Lonely Island series, and it wasn't until I almost closed my eyes that I realized something. I hadn't thought about Jasper the entire time I had been talking to Edwin..uhh weird.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2014 ⏰

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