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"Georgina, be a ladylike."

"Eat like a lady." 

"Georgina, walk in a ladylike manner." 




"Georgina, act in a ladylike manner." 

That word gets on my nerves especially when it comes out of that woman.


ˈlādēˌlīkˈ (adjective) 

1. Appropriate for or typical of a well-bred, decorous woman or girl,
Also known as the favorite word of my mother, Eliza Gale. 

She babbles about this word every time I make a move. Yes, every move. When I move a muscle, there's always a word "ladylike" or a phrase that involves it escaping her pillow like lips, which make me wanna pull my hair off my head. 



Breathes in; 


Ahhhhh, I’m going crazy.

Somehow, at this moment, we’re here in a fancy restaurant that we had reservations for and waiting for some rich dude that knows my Mother—because of business—to appear in the double doors of the restaurant and walk towards our table and end this meeting so I can go home and play with my x-box. And from that, that is one of the reasons why my Mother hates me because I prefer playing with my Xbox than going to malls and shop—even though I already got a loaded closet of branded clothes. She even pushes me to "see" boys and have social life. Once, my cousin—who is a model by the way, cornered me in the studio where I was waiting for her photo shoot to finished and just randomly talked to me about sexuality. She said, even though I’m the only child of the Gale Corp., it was okay to come out and that made me shock. Did she really thought that I was a lesbian—no offence to those who are but, no.

I just prefer the male hobbies such as playing with my video games than shopping because;

a.) My Mother already hired 2 of New York’s best fashion designers and sent them to me here, in LA, to give me outfits and they’re also in charge of buying clothes for me and shoes and those fashion things


b.) Shopping is boring. You’ll just walk for hours, searching clothes from stacks to stacks but then, they’re all the same while when you play with video games, you just sit there and let your fingers and hands do the work with the buttons and addition your mouth when you cuss inappropriate words when you lose a game.

I just really hate shopping. My cousin even dragged me along with her once to shop in the mall in Ireland when we stayed there because my Father attended a business meeting and I just went in this video game convention where I met some young lads who bet on me that I’ll lose when we play Tekken but at the end, I kicked all their butts and went back to the store known as Forever21 in the white girl world with 100 Irish pounds from the bets I won.


Well, okay go back to the present now and for once, I'll act like a lady for you guys.

I'm Georgina Gale 17 and a half year old girl from New York but basically live in California to have the sunny weather because New York’s weather is a poo. Practically, I am living a not so normal life especially when your parents owns the 2nd biggest growing business in the country and having only a pet dog as your friend—since my Father warned me not to get too attach with other kids because maybe they are only used by their parents to get in our glamorous life—well except for the ones that my parents push at me just because they're the child of their business partners.

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