After The Adventures Over

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Beep, Beep, Beep...

Beep, Beep...

"I need help in here stat!!! CHANSEY!" cried Nurse Joy.

Chansey waddled in and for that split second the door was open Pikachu snuck inside.

Nurse Joy didn't even notice Pikachu jumping lightly on the hospital bed.

"Pikachu.?" Ash said questioning his eye sight.

"Pika... Pikachu..." Pikachu said slowly and saddly.

Pikachu slowly yet all of a sudden held out Ash's hat and put it on the side of the hospital bed.

"1...2...3, CLEAR" yelled Nurse Joy.


"WERE LOSING HIM" yelled Nurse Joy.

"I love you Pikachu." Ash said very weakly.

Ash held out his ponter finger and Pikachu held it and said with tears in his eyes "Pika.. Pikaccchhhuuu."

Ash gasping for air said "I told you we'd be friends forever."

----------------------------- Bbbbeeeeeeeepppp

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