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     "I will be back soon princess." The older woman said to her younger girlfriend who was clinging to her legs. "Do we have to go through this every single day? You know I have to go to work. And what do I always do?" She asks her and glances down at her.
"You always come back." The younger girl mumbles and pouts, still hugging the woman's legs. "But I always miss you when you leave! And I get so bored. I get so sad, not even coloring makes me feel better." The girl pouts and huffs dramatically.
"Then maybe you should find a hobby, baby girl. But mommy really has to go." She tells her and pulls her up and stands her in front of her. She pulls her close, hugging her tightly and kisses her lips softly. "I will be back around five, okay? I promise." She smiles and gives her one last kiss on the nose before grabbing her bag and keys. She walks out the door and closes it, leaving the little girl all alone in the living room. 
     She hated when her girlfriend had to leave her to go to work. She was always bored, even though she had plenty she could do. She could clean up, she could learn new dances, she could paint; she had so many options. She just didn't feel like doing them. Especially at the moment. She was never that little when her girlfriend left for work. But for some reason this morning, she was extra little. She wasn't sure why. It may have been because she hasn't gotten the attention she wanted. It felt as her girlfriend was kind of ignoring her. They hadn't had sex in a long time, hell they barley even kissed properly in a while. She felt deprived. She sighs and just walks into the kitchen. She grabs herself a bottle of water and plops on the couch to watch some of her favorite movies; which happened to be Disney movies. She loved the princess ones especially; Tangled happened to be her favorite. She curls up her body and pulls her knees up to her chest. She watches the movie happily, and she sings along to all the songs.    
      After the movie went off however, she didn't know what she could do. She knew that she had a bunch of energy now and that she should do something energetic and active. She ran upstairs, grabbing her speaker. She linked it to her phone and she started to play her favorite Korean dance mix. It had a variety of songs and she started to do some of the choreography to the dances in the large kitchen. She started to clean up the kitchen and do the dishes from the night before's dinner. She sways her hips to the songs as she is cleaning the dishes. As she finishes that, she went to go change the song but just then "Wet" by Jooyoung came on her shuffle. That song was especially sexual and the only time she listened to it was when she would touch herself or when her and her girlfriend would be doing anything sexual. She contemplated changing it, but as soon as she heard the beat to it, she kept it. She knew that she could listen to it without getting sexual feelings, but did she really want to? I mean she hasn't had any type of affection in that way in months it seemed. She knew that she should ask her mommy first, especially when she is being little. But what mommy doesn't know won't hurt her. 

     She grabs her speaker and her phone, cutting the music down but not completely off. She leaves it on her playlist, but she switches it to a different playlist. This was her "playtime" playlist. Usually she would listen to it with mommy, but since mommy didn't want to play anymore, now would be a good time to listen to it. She runs upstairs to their bedroom and she plops on the bed. She sits her speaker and phone on the bedside table and she just lets the playlist play. She slides her shirt over her head and gets goosebumps when the cool air from the fan hits her now bare stomach. She shivers and she just smiles. She looks down at her stomach and traces little shapes over her skin; something that mommy would usually do for her. She frowns a little and huffs. "Mommy is just a big bully now, she doesn't wanna play with me anymore. Little girls need playtime just like big girls." She mumbles to herself and she shakes her head. She ignores it and she slowly slides her shorts off her legs. 
     Her legs started to tingle slightly just at the thought. She smiles widely and she sighs happily. She runs her hands down her legs, her nails creating a slight sensation against her skin. Her hands find themselves on her thighs and she moves her hands to rub herself through her panties. She starts to rub her clit in slow circles and she whines slightly, closing her eyes listening to the soft music playing beside her. She continues her slow movements over the thin fabric of her panties. After a moment, she slides her finger underneath the waistband and she continues to play with her clit. But this time, the feeling was different since it was skin to skin contact. She rubs it in circles, slowly starting to speed up her movements. Her mouth hangs open and small whimpers starts to escape from her lips. She closes her eyes as her finger moves rapidly against her clit. Since mommy wasn't here, she was able to cum at her leisure, she wouldn't be edged like mommy would do to her. But for some reason, right before she was about to cum, she stops herself. 
     She glances over at her mommy's pillow and an idea hits her. She hadn't rode mommy's thigh in such a long time and she missed that feeling. The little girl missed the feeling of her pussy grinding against something and she wanted it now. She sits up quickly and grabs the pillow. She sits it at the middle of the bed, pushing the blankets and other pillows off into the floor. She would pick it up right before her mommy came home, but for right now, all she was worried about was the orgasm she was about to have.  She sits up on her knees and positions the pillow right under her to make sure that it was in the perfect spot. She leans down and gets comfortable on the pillow, moving her legs back behind her. She places her hands on the bed in front of the pillow and she starts to move her hips slowly. 
     She gasps quietly and she grips the sheets slightly as the feeling begins to build back up inside of her. The material of the pillow and the slight firmness against her pussy caused her to let out groans and slight moans. She begins to move her hips faster and her breathing starts getting heavier. She closes her eyes and she feels her orgasm building up inside her. Her legs began to shake and her moans become louder and more needy. She squeezes the sheets before cumming against the pillow, her body shaking all over. As her orgasm dies down, she lets out a shaky breath and smiles widely. 

     She slowly climbs off the pillow and takes off the pillowcase, tossing it to the clothes basket beside the bed. As she turns over to get up, she freezes in her tracks when she sees her mommy standing in the doorway. 
      "Mommy! Why are you back home already? Shouldn't you still be at work?" The younger girl asks quickly, clearly in shock. She knew she was going to be in trouble. 

"I got to come home early because we were slow... What were you just doing?" She smirks, even though she just saw her little girl grinding on her pillow. "Were you pleasuring yourself without asking mommy first?" The older woman asks, crossing her arms. The smaller girl just stares up at her mommy and plays with her hands, blushing when she realizes that she was still bare on her lower half. The older woman grabs her little girl and pulls her body into her own, running her hands up and down her back. 
     "You know you are supposed to ask mommy first, right princess?" She asks and smirks, bringing her hand up to her hair, pulling it slightly causing the shorter girl to almost fall back. She gasps and stares up at her with wide eyes. 
"Y-yes mommy, I know I am supposed to ask first." She whispers and bites her lip. Mommy leans down and she starts to kiss her baby girl's neck, immediately sucking a hickey onto her neck. The smaller girl sucks in a gasp and closes her eyes. She moans quietly and sucks in a sharp breath as she feels the hickeys being formed onto her neck. She picks her up and she carries her back to the bed. She kicks the pillow down, so the little girl is flat on her back. She pushes her hands above her head and smirks slightly. 
      "Keep those hands right there and don't move them or you won't get anything from me for a long time. That is why mommy hasn't given you anything in a while." She says, a slight lust in her eye and a twitch in her voice. The little girl nods quickly and relaxes her arms above her head, sighing softly. Her body relaxes and before she even has time to comprehend it, her mommy had two of her fingers pushed inside of her. She gasps loudly and she arches her back, closing her eyes tightly. "A w-warning might have been nice!" She complains and whines quietly. 
"Don't get snappy with me baby girl, or I will make sure you don't cum for weeks." She snaps and the little immediately quiets herself. She bites her lip and tries to contain her moans. Mommy didn't stop her movements though. She continues to move her middle and ring finger inside of her at a quickening pace. She leans down and she starts to swirl her tongue around her baby girl's clit, flicking it up and down. The feeling was unreal, and even though she just had an orgasm, she felt it building up once again. She locks her hands together and squeezes her legs against her mommy's head. She starts bucking her hips and rolling them against her mommy's fingers and tongue. Her walls begin to tighten around her fingers and she starts moaning loudly, biting her lip tightly. 
"I-I am gonna c-cum mommy!" She whimpers and closes her eyes. "Please let me cum!" She practically begs the older woman. She just smirks up at her baby falling apart underneath her. 
"Beg." Was all she said and the array of moans and whines were just so erotic.
"Please m-mommy! I haven't c-came in so long! Y-your fingers feel t-too good! I wanna cum so badly please mommy l-let me!" She begs to her mommy, her body beginning to quiver even more, showing she couldn't hold on anymore. 

     The older woman just smirks at her and she continues pushing her fingers in and out of her. She leans up, stopping the assault with her tongue. "Of course baby girl, mommy won't be that cruel. You followed the rules, you can cum." With a relieving, yet erotic moan, the smaller woman released with a loud moan, her body shaking as her orgasm overcame her. Her mommy pulls her fingers out of her and brings them to her mouth, slowly licking the cum off of her fingers, making sure her baby girl sees her. 
"That was really good baby, you taste great." She smirks at her. "But remember what mommy said: no more touching yourself without asking for permission, or we are going to have a problem." She says sternly. 
"Yes mommy." The little says quietly, sitting up and hugging her tightly. 

A/N: Hello friends, this was confusing to write and I am sure that it is weird to read. I don't like using names but writing this one probably would have been better with names. Sorry if you are confused reading it, I will try next time to make it better and easier to read. I hope you like it! 

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