Nap Cuddles (All)

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Harry: He loved to be the big spoon. Harry has a really protective personality and it really shows when you guys are watching a movie or taking a nap. 

Ron: He's a very territorial sleeper. However, he loves having his arm lazily thrown over your waist. It provides you some warmth and also provides him the comfort knowing you're still there with him. 

Draco: Woah, is he a cuddler. He needs you in his arms every single second of every single day, especially when you guys are taking a nap. At first, you thought it was overbearing and annoying but now, you too, could not go without you in his arms. 

Fred: He just wraps his whole body around yours. Legs and all. So as you're trying to sleep, you just have a tree clinging to your body. But it's okay because you would rather have that than nothing at all. 

George: You love cuddling him. You wrap your arms around him and keep him close to you with your face against his neck. His arms are usually also wrapped around you and it's just a warm, cuddly time. 

Neville: He gets really shy when you guys cuddle, so he usually just holds your hand. You love being able to feel him and he loves being able to know that you're there. 

Hermione: She is 100% the big spoon. She loves wrapping her arms around you and tangling your legs together. 

Ginny: So Ginny is addicted to being by your side or just being in arms reach. She'd be super close to you while sleeping, wrapping her entire body around you, not wanting to let you go.

James: He wasn't big into cuddling in his sleep, but he did enjoy having you close. He would simply but an arm around your waist or hold your hand under the blanket.  

Sirius: It was scary how cuddly he was. He would always tangle his legs with yours and then tightly wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer to him. 

Remus: Remus was 1000% the little spoon. You would sling your arm around his waist and stick your face in the crook of his neck, leaving small kisses until you both fell asleep. 

(#Wattys2018) Harry Potter Preferences ^Completed^Where stories live. Discover now