Chapter 1

18 2 0

Word count: 1263

Hey! Words in italics mean that it's being said in their native tongue, and any words spoken w/out that are English. Enjoy this drastically different rewrite of an old book of mine lol

I gazed out across the grassy fields, feeling the wind ruffle through my hair, exhaling a breath to drift with it. It was a solemn time, the colony currently getting ready for a hunt off into the distance, my eyes skirting over the hand-made weapons clenched tightly in their hands. My gaze settled upon my older brother, his eyes sharp even from this distance as he chastised a group of children, the wings on his back spreading wide in a threatening gesture.

I ran my fingers across the ground, feeling the blades of grass rub against the palm of my hand, turning to glance up towards the sky, and the ever-burning fire shining down upon our small colony. I felt my wings twitch, my head quickly turning to the side, being met with the somber gaze of my older brother. When did he come up here? He shifted his wings, the long feathery limbs creating a small ruffling noise as the rubbed against each other and the ground, the edges trailing behind him. They were a dark brown, dipped white at the tips. Our mother used to tell us that the gods had dipped Aulgro's wings into the heavens, which is why they were such a brilliant white. Mine, on the other hand, were a pitch black colour, small specks of white to look like the dark sky. Mother said I was crafted from gods-fire. I think she was just trying to make me feel better for being different than the rest of my kin.

"We are to leave soon. Watch after them." I met his eyes, which were as green as the ground I was seated on, dark brown scales cropping up like clusters of flowers around his eyes and ears. My head nodded to his commanding tone, averting my eyes in submission as I felt my wings droop. I listened as his footsteps padded away, letting out an exhale as I dropped backwards to lay on the ground. My wings spread out with my arms, extending far beyond them, my fingers brushing against the sensitive inner feathers in a soothing manner. I gazed back up towards the sky, admiring the brilliant morning hues that spread across the heavens, like the crafters threads that spend days soaking in the water-basins.

I don't know how long I laid across that hillside before the sound of footsteps reached my ears, sitting up quickly as I snapped my wings closed. Those footsteps are too heavy to be our brethren.


Our colony has not seen outsiders for generations, moving around and keeping far away from their loud gleaming colonies. I pushed myself to a standing, stumbling down the hill towards the mothers and their children, those who do not partake in the hunt, or are too young, a single word falling from my lips.


I watched as mothers snatched up their offspring in their arms, young boys scurrying after them as they took flight towards the trees to hide in the thick brush of their leaves. My heart pounded in my ears, racing forwards and snapping open my own wings as I pushed myself of the ground, my movements frantic and rushed as I dove into a thick tree, my free hand wrapping around the trunk. I shifted, keeping my wings half opened in case we were spotted, balancing my feet across the branch.

I gazed around the thick brush of the trees, eyes full of worry and fear meeting my own, wings twitching with baited breath. The sound of voices met my ears, speaking in a tongue I didn't recognise.

"Alex, we're lost!" A groan followed the foreign words, a female stepping into view, a large sack held in her hand. I almost didn't stop the surprised noise from my throat as I noticed that she had no wings, curiosity gnawing at my insides as I subconsciously leaned forwards. Her long hair was pulled back, revealing her ears. Oh gods, what's wrong with her ears? They were short and rounded, shaped like the shells found where the water kisses land. A male stepped behind her, the same strange features, his hand wrapping around her waist as he pressed a kiss to her cheek. I narrowed my eyes, studying their exchange. Were they mates?

"Babe, we're not lost. We're here to study the local wildlife, we're simply getting in touch with nature. It's part of the-" the female put a hand on his chest, effectively stopping him.

"Do you hear that?" My head snapped up to the sound of laughter, my heart thudding. I know that laughter. I shifted against the branch, my eyes gazing up to a mother hiding a few branches below me as she nodded towards me. I inhaled a shaky breath, watching as the female slowly stepped towards the laughter, which was steadily growing louder. My wings stretched out to their full length in preparation, my hands moving the grip the branch I was perched on.

Time seemed to slow as two identical boys came running from the trees, throwing rocks towards each other. They were just barely old enough for flight, and not old enough to leave onto the hunts. Their laughter cut short as they noticed the two strangers staring at them, mouths agape.

I watched as the male reached into a fold of the sack, my heart leaping. I quickly took off from the branch, my wings pushing me the short distance to land in front of the boys, my feet thudding against the ground as I landed. My hands spread in front of the boys, my sharp eyes meeting the males in a test of dominance. My wings raised threateningly, a primal sound echoing from the back of my throat. The female let out a shriek, stumbling before turning and racing in the other direction, the male merely staring, eyes wide and curious.

"Incredible. The wing span... such creatures exist.."

I grit my teeth, taking a step towards him as I ground out a word I knew he wouldn't understand.

"Leave." I watched as the male searched my eyes, his gaze so full of curiosity and wonder, yet swimming with fear, his body slowly taking steps backwards. My gaze flickered to his feet as they tripped over one another, holding back my curiosity. What is on his feet? His body tumbled backwards, his torso spinning to push himself up with his hands before he stumbled in the same direction the female had retreated to.

I felt my body relax once they were out of sight, spinning around towards the boys.

"Go find your mothers. Now." I watched as the boys nodded in sync before scampering off towards the trees, my gaze settling upon where the outsiders had retreated to.

I grew up with stories of outsiders. Nasty creatures that come during the night to snatch up the young or the disobedient, never to be seen again. They are said to be the gods first creations, and when they crafted us after, they went mad with jealousy and sought to destroy us, to win back the gods love and affection. I was told of godly creatures that were driven mad by their own lust for attention, corrupting the beautiful vessels that were created for them. I was told of scraggly creatures with glowing eyes, not unlike the wolves of the thick underbrush. Looming in heights to match the tallest of trees, pointed teeth for crushing bones of their victims. The reality I was presented with was drastically different. They looked.. almost like us.

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