Asked Her Out

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Tina's POV
When I arrived at school yesterday,I was surprised to see that all of my friends were still around. Ryan still liked me and Cookie still wanted to be my friend. Yesterday morning was very emotional. I was very happy to see all my friends. Me and Ryan spent the entire recess talking. I woke up this morning and woke up, got dressed then went to wake Tony as well. I wore a mint-green hoodie that said "I Like You", skinny jeans, and white tennis shoes.

 I wore a mint-green hoodie that said "I Like You", skinny jeans, and white tennis shoes

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I woke up Tony then went downstairs to eat breakfast. I had waffles and bacon. Then, Tony came down. He grabbed a poptart, I grabbed my phone and we headed to the bus stop. We sat down and waited for the bus to get there. When the bus did arrive we got on and talked the entire ride there. When we arrived, we went our separate ways. I went and talked to Ryan and Cookie then we headed to class together. We all sat at our table and talked until the teacher stood from her desk to tell us what we would be doing in class.
"Hello, students. Today, I have a small challenge for you. Because this is history I will be pairing you into groups and you will make a project on a important part of Rora history that I assign to your group. I want everyone to look to stand up here in a line." Everyone stood and walked to the front. I stood next to Kat and Cookie. I looked down the line and saw Ryan on the other end. I waved at him and he waved back. Then I turned forward again as the teacher handed each student a card with an important part of our history on it.
"I want everyone to find the person with the same part of history on their card."the teacher explained. I obviously asked Cookie and Kat first but they didn't match me so I went to Ryan next.
"Which part of history do you have Cutie?"I asked him as I walked up to him. He looked down at his card and ran his fingers through his hair.
"Umm...I got...The Battle or Murillo."I smiled.
"Me too!"I exclaimed. He smiled at me.
"Awesome!"he said. Then, we headed to the corner of the classroom where there were two bean bags and sat down. We discussed for a few minutes what we would do and decided to make a presentation board. We both grabbed a laptop and went back to our seat. Ryan researched while I wrote everything down then reorganised it into categories and then into sequential paragraphs. Then, we added the credits and resources and glued everthing on. Lastly, I doodles little roses around all the edges. When I finished the last roses' touches I turned to Ryan to find him staring at me, smiling, I giggled and snapped my fingers in front of his face. He looked shocked then blushed. I smiled at him.
"S-sorry, I guess lost in your eyes."he murmured. I blushed too then, I showed him the board and we decided which parts of it we would read off when we presented it.

Sabre's POV
When I had finished my part of the project that I was doing with Danny I turned and and looked at Ryan and Tina. Ryan was staring at her intently as she doodled on their project. Then, she looked up and giggled. She snapped her fingers in front of his face and that brought him back to reality. He blushed and looked at the ground. Then, he said something that made Tina blush too. I wonder what he said? Anyway, a few minutes later, the teacher clapped her hands and announced that it was time to present. Whne it came to Ryan and Tina's turn I was surprised at how much work they had put into it. They came into a very long speech about "The Battle of Murillo" but, I wasn't paying any attention to that. I was looking at the roses doodled in red pen all over the edges of the white board. They looked almost real, I sat there staring at them for a few minutes until everyone started clapping and Tina curtsied dramatically. Ryan bowed then held out his hand, like a prince, for her to take. She giggled and took it. The walked back to their seats and waited while the rest of the students made their presentations. Then, we had our other classes and headed to lunch.
Ryan's POV
When we arrived at lunch Tina and I got our lunch then, went to our seats. We sat and talked for a while then I realized that a few kids were sitting outside and remembered that we were aloud to sit outside to day. I tapped Tina on the shoulder and she turned to look at me.
"You wanna go sit outside with me?" I asked. She nodded and grabbed her lunchbox. I grabbed my stuff as well and we went outside. We went and sat on a bench near the door. Then, I turned to her.
"Hey Tina, do you wanna come to the movies with me later?"I asked her. She nodded and hugged me. I was shocked at first and didn't respond, then, I hugged her back. I smilex into her hair and she pulled away.
"Thanks for the invite Cutie."she said as she smiled shyly at the ground and blushed. I smiled back at her and I leaned in to do something I had wanted to do for a while but, the bell rang... Whyyyyy!!! I was sooooooo close!!! I almost got to kiss her, anyway, we went back inside and back to class, and at recess, we told the others about the movies. Foley asked if she could come but, I didn't need her interfering, so I said no, that she couldn't come.

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