A Couple!?

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Ryan's POV
When I went back to my house yesterday I immediately called Sabre, Shark, and Unicorn over to hang out. They all agreed and I grabbed a few bags of chips  from the cabinet and put them up in my bedroom just to make sure we had snacks. I opened the bag of cheetos, sat on the couch in bedroom, and waited for them to arrive. When they did I put the Cheetos on the coffee table and went to get the door. I opened the door to find Shark and Sabre glaring maliciously at Unicorn. I welcomed them then gestured for them to head up to my room. They did so and when I came in, I found all three of eating the chips. Then I sat down as well.
"So, I know that there's alot of tension from earlier but I am willing to forgive Unicorn and forget that he ever sided with Goldy if he promises to follow Bro-Code from now on."I said as I sat down.
"I know that what I did earlier went against Bro-Code and that I should be more careful of what I do and I promise to follow Bro-Code from now on."Unicorn explained. Shark and Sabre looked at each other then nodded and patted Unicorn on the back.
"So, you admit that Goldy was totally wrong to accuse Tina of using a potion on Ryan."Sabre asked. Unicorn nodded and we all just kinda sat and joked around for a bit before I gathered their attention.
"So, big news,"all of them looked at me attentively which gave me a confidence boost"I kissed Tina today, twice."I finished off. Sabre stood up and gave me high five.
"When bro?"he asked.
"At ChillTime, in the tree house. I kissed her first when we first got up there and second when Shark woke us up. It felt pretty good considering I hadn't kissed her since...that day she...left..."I said as my heart sank. That was the day that I said goodbye to Tina for ten years. I didn't like to think about it but, that was the day I basically stopped smiling. That was the day my world went dull. Nothing made any sense without Tina around. I had gotten terrible grades in school and my brain simply couldn't focus. I guess I got depressed. I could barely smile and those were the worst ten years anyone has ever felt. It was a constant battle to wake up in the mornings and to eat food everyday. It was like I had no purpose. And thats because... Tina is my purpose. She's the reason  I get up every morning and that I eat food everyday. Tina is my everything and I never want to see her leave again.
"Hey man, she's back now, remember, and I don't think she has any plans of leaving any time soon, so keep faith that she'll stay." Shark comforted me as he patted me on the back. Then, the doorbell rang. I was excited because I had a slight feeling that maybe Tina had come over, but when I opened the door I instead saw the only person I knew I never wanted to see again.
"What do you want Goldy!?"I shot at her with flames in my eyes. She looked scared and took a step back.
"I only wanted to apologize. What I did was not okay and I'm sure that Tina's a very nice girl, but I just, I really want to be with you..."she said. I glared at her once again.
"Do you really think that after all you've done I would even consider dating you!? After the rumors and bullying, after all of it! Goldy, you're really cool, but you have to understand that I like Tina,not you."I quickly said. She nodded and turned around to walk away. I was about to shut the door when I heard her voice.
"Do you, th-think I have chance, you know to ever find someone?"she asked. I turned around and nodded. Then, I suddenly felt really bad for Goldy. I invited her inside and she hung out with the boys upstairs while I called Tina and Tony and Kat and Cookie and Dave and Danny and Angel and Lizzy and Derp and Misuto and Jelly and Quake and Pika and Black and Aaron and Bobby and Geoff and Sam. It was almost the entire crew and we were all gonna hang out at my place. I immediately started preparing the guest room for the girls and layed out a few sleeping bags for the boys. Then, I grabbed a few blow-up mattresses and blew them up for the girls and layed them out all across the room. About ten minutes later I answered the door and found Tina and Tony standing there with their bags. I took the bags and put them into their designated rooms. I put Tina's bag on the guest bed and Tony's on one of the sleeping bags.
When everyone arrived i gretted them all then I changed into my pajamas and went downstairs. We sat down in my living room and started to debate on what game to play.

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