p a r t 3

30 3 0

five years old

eddie's pov

it was finally the weekend. i decided to go ride my bike around the court since mommy was asleep. as i was riding i saw a huge trucks filled with boxes in the driveway of the house across from us. i rode over to go check it out, only to see a familiar face.

"eds!" richie yelled while running over to me embracing me in a hug

"richie, what are you doing here?" i asked him confused

 "me and my family just moved into this house," he replied

"really, i live right across from you!" i replied jumping up and down

" oh my gosh eddie were neighbors!" he replied joining in with my jumping

"cmon boys, why don't you help us unload," said mr tozier

hours passed. me and richie did bring in some boxes but it just ended in us playing tag around the house shortly after.  richies room didn't have much in it yet except a matress and a lamp for light. 

"ok eds, 3,2,1, takeoff!" richie yelled flopping down on the matress.

"richie your going to hurt yourself," i said giggling.

"cmon eds, sometimes you gotta live on the wild side," richie replied sticking up peace signs and flopping his hair around as if he was in a rock band.

we both started laughing so hard which ended in us out of breath on richies matress.

"eds, why don't you sleep over?" richie asked

"i don't know if mommy will let me she's very protective about that stuff," i replied

i wanted to stay at richie's more than anything but i knew mommy wouldn't approve. also i have never slept over at someones house before so i was slightly scared.

"i'm sure of you beg her she will let you," richie stated.

"maybe, but i've also never really had a sleepover before," i replied embarrassed, looking the other way.

"well your safe with me eddie spaghetti," richie replied grabbing my hands.

"ok, ok i promise, love you mommy, ok bye."

"what did she say," richie said anxiously

"she said yes!" i said embracing richie in a hug

"YAY, cmon lets go watch a movie spaghetti man," richie replied as he dragged me upstairs

we were watching goosebumps on richies ipad upstairs. i knew it was scary but i didn't want richie to think i was a baby so i went along with it.

"RAWR," a loud monster shouted through the screen.

i quickly put my head in richies shoulder, breathing heavily.

"eds, you ok?" richie replied concered

"its so scary," i said softly still hiding in richies shoulder

i felt a warm hand trace circles around my back which made me feel a lot calmer

"its okay eds lets get to sleep," richie replied pulling the covers over both of us

i wrapped my arm around richie's torso laying my head on his shoulder. he put his arm around my neck and started playing with my hair which made me almost fall asleep instantly. i remembered what mommy said about not getting to close to someone because they might have a sickness. but in that moment i didn't care if i got sick. because i had richie.


long chapter whoopsie im just hella bored. i think i might like speed up their ages just a little because the main stuff happens around middle school but yeah.

also i didn't proofread since it was a lot so sorry if i misspelled anything

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