Chapter 3

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She should have known! In less than two minutes she was laying on her back on the Workroom table beside the lace and Tarrant was standing beside her naked save for his hat and already planning out precisely how he was going to "make it up to her."

"Tarrant, really, we can just go to the..."

"Hush, sweetness, I'm thinking! And I've got my hat back so I can think clearly. At least I think I can think clearly...ah, yes. This, these, and this." He brandished a thimble, the shears, and a section of one-inch lace.

Alice's eyes widened in curiosity. What exactly did he plan to do with those?

Tarrant cut about eighteen inches of lace from the roll and set both aside. Then he put the thimble on his right index finger. He smiled and bent down to kiss Alice's lips lightly. Their lips brushed feather-light and satin-smooth across each other. Tarrant inhaled the soft scent of her breath; lemon and raspberry and Uniquely Alice and shuddered in delicious anticipation when he felt arousal begin to coil in his loins.

Alice had to have her legs spread wide to allow this kiss, but she didn't mind. Actually, it felt delightfully naughty! The soft orange hair of his belly tickled her between her thighs and she had to stifle a giggle. And, oh! His breath; it was all Earl Grey and sweet raspberries. Somehow he always tasted of raspberries. It was from his lips. Those alluring, lush, magical, and moist crimson lips!

She gasped as she felt his fingers begin to draw slow patterns on the insides of her thighs. He kept his lips pressed to hers so she couldn't raise her head to watch. Slowly, slowly, he teased her tender flesh. When she felt the cold of the thimble she shuddered and gooseflesh rose all over her body. She felt him smirk against her mouth.

Alice wanted to take some measure of control over her situation. She grasped the hair, not under his hat and pulled him down to her more tightly. She used her tongue to persuade his lips to part and then plunged inside, twining her tongue around his, wanting him to feel the heat and urgency that she felt uncurling in her belly. She tasted every part of the inside of his mouth that she could. And she adored running her tongue over the gap between his front teeth. But today it didn't make her giggle, it made her a little more frantic in her need. Perhaps it was because by pushing the tip of her tongue into the gap it reminded her of him pushing something else into her elsewhere...

Tarrant reluctantly withdrew his mouth from Alice's, causing her to whimper in frustration. He smiled reassuringly at her and moved his mouth to her ear, just barely licking the delicate shell and breathing very softly against the wetness he had placed there, causing her to shiver violently. He moved a bit lower to the line beneath her jaw and kissed and flicked his tongue there. His sweetling sighed and relaxed her fingers in his hair. When he moved to the hollow of her throat and teased his lips and tongue there she tightened her grip in his hair again and clenched her legs around his waist.

Oh, he was always so good! Alice could hardly believe that every time they were together it was as good as the first time; or even better! Just the barest touch of his lips, the slightest graze of his teeth, or the warmest snaking of his tongue could send her into mini ecstasies.

Tarrant loved how she responded to even his slightest touch. She was a passionate creature, his Alice, and he would give her all the passion he could. He moved to her breasts and used his lips and tongue to circle one of them until she was keening in frustration. Grinning up at her for a moment, he lowered his head again and gave the same treatment to the other.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2020 ⏰

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